PhD Fellowship July 2020
Congratulations to our fellow Jessy Silva! Jessy was awarded a very competitive grant to do her PhD in Sílvia Coimbra's Lab working on the functions of AGPs and its sugars. This doctoral fellowship is part of the programme INPhINIT ”la Caixa”, supported by Fundación "la Caixa". These grants support the best scientific talents and foster innovative and high-quality research in Spain and Portugal by recruiting outstanding international students and offering them an attractive and competitive environment for conducting research of excellence. Jessy Silva benefited from a secondment period in the frame of the SexSeed project, incresing her CV competences and skills! Well deserved Jessy! We wish you all the best in this new journey!
Marie Curie Alumni Association July 2020All members of the SexSeed team may now be part of the Marie Curie Alumni Association, which aims at supporting, and contributing to, the advancement of knowledge for a global, diverse, and informed society. one of our fellows decided to take a more active role in this Association, Ana Lopes, and is now collaborating with the Marie Curie Alumni Association as a board member. Ana Lopes is currently doing her PhD in Plant Reproduction in Sílvia Coimbra's Lab and we couldn't be more proud of her! Get to know her a little bit better, here.
Publication June 2020Even when our time for bench is limited due to Covid19 restrictions, the sexSeed team doesn't stop working on its most interesting topics. The book "Pollen and Pollen Tube Biology" is finally out! Mario Luis Costa, Jessy Silva and Sílvia Coimbra contributed with the Chapter on "Arabidopsis thaliana Pollen Tube Culture for Multi-omics Studies". Great work fellows!
Publication June 2020Even after the end of our project, the outcomes are still on their way! Here is one of our most recent papers, on a technique we use quite a lot to study cell wall components: Immunolocalizations of AGPs and Pectins 🌿 It's basically a protocol on how to get beautiful images for your research articles! Have a look here. The video protocol will come as soon as all this Covid19 thing finishes, we promise!
Final Meeting January 2020The Coordinators of SexSeed team have organized a symposium with the latest updates on the field of Plant Reproduction. This meeting was open to all the scientific community. This included not only a series of interesting talks and poster sessions but also some leisure time such as a guided tour to the Waite Arboretu. To finalize, the SexSeed team got together to discuss the project, while it approaches its end. But collaborations will endure over time, that's for sure! Maybe they're planning the next RISE project? Who knows? More details on the symposium here..
Why plant reproduction? January 2020If you want to know why we study this wonderful process of plant reproduction, here is one of the reasons. This is a video from Scitoons on "The Journey of the Pollen Tube: Food Security in a Changing Climate". It beautifully explains how this process is so important for our lifes. "When you think of pollen, you probably think of allergies and runny noses. While pollen may be the source of your sneezes, it is also the source of your food. Watch our new video on Pollen Tubes to learn how a single cell plays a crucial role in our food system, how the pollen tube’s success is threatened by climate change, and what scientists are doing in order to protect it."Publication January 2020What is the best way to start 2020? Publishing! Another work from our team! This is about the advantages and disadvantages of using CRISPR/Cas9 and RNA interference for AGPs analysis: "The best CRISPR/Cas9 versus RNA interference approaches for Arabinogalactan proteins’ study". But it can also be applied to other molecules. It happens that AGPs are, indeed, our favorites around here. Thank you for the great work Diana Moreira and fellows! You can access the article here.
Seminar October 2019The master's degree in Functional Biology and Plant Biotechnology from the Faculty of Science, University of Porto, constitutes an advanced training that contributes to the development of scientific research skills in the area of Plant Biology, but also of tools to apply the knowledge developed in a sector with great economic potential, such as plant biotechnology. Its students organized this 3rd edition of the Meeting in Functional Biology and Plant Biotechnology, where the students of the Master's degree present the works developed in the dissertation year, and was open to anyone interested in attending or presenting their work in the field of Plant Biology, whether by oral or poster presentation. Our fellows participated presenting the works developed in the frame of the SexSeed project, integrated in their Mastre studies.
PhD Fellowships September 2019Two of our most traveled fellows, Diana Moreira and Maria João Ferreira, have just been awarded with a PhD fellowship each. These fellowships are quite competitive in Portugal and are financed by the Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). We are sure that their participation in the SexSeed project has greatly enriched her CV's helping them in achieving this career goal! Congratulations adn enjoy this new period in your scientific lifes!
Publication September 2019Our fellow Mário Costa, continues to explore the fantastic world of Arabinogalactan Proteins (AGPs) in flowering plants. He has just published a research article with other SexSeed members on "In silico and expression analyses of fasciclin-like arabinogalactan proteins reveal functional conservation during embryo and seed development". Here Costa shows that the fasciclin-like arabinogalactan proteins (FLAs) organization into four groups is conserved and may be related to specific roles in developmental processes across angiosperms. If you are curious just have a look at the paper here.
Meeting our Idols July 2019Just to add a little note to our participation on the XV Cell Wall Meeting! We've met the living legend on Arabinogalactan Proteins (AGPs) and Cell Wall Research, Derek T. Lamport! What a moment! Just to let you know that many of the most interesting moments happens between talks, outside the Conference room, when you really get to know your heroes!
XV Cell Wall Meeting July 2019The XV Cell Wall Meeting took place in Cambridge, United Kingdom. The meeting started with a welcome reception on Sunday 7 July, and finished on Friday 12 July. The SexSeed team was well represented in this meeting, and had the opportunity to present their works developed in the frame of the project either in the form of poster presentations or in the form of oral presentations. Once more, this was a fantastic oppotunity to get to know better scientists and their works on the plant cell walls, not only in reproduction but in many other processes, enriching our knowledge and networks.
Publication - Special Issue May 2019SexSeed coordinator, Sílvia Coimbra and another MSCA fellow, Ana Marta Pereira, have just organized a series of articles written by participants from our last meeting in Firenze (2018) in the form of a Special Issue on the Journal of Experimental Botany. You can check this issue on JExBot website, here This special issue includes a collection of reviews that present the current state of the art across several areas of research in plant reproduction.
Science is beautiful May 2019And now, just something to show you how passionate about their work our fellows are, and that, as Dr. Tucker said "beauty is almost always hiding on the inside". These images are from barley flowers and this great snaps were taken by one of our fellows in Australia, Laura Wilkinson, working on Dr Tucker's Lab.
Seminar April 2019Our coordinator Sílvia Coimbra and our partner Luís G. Pereira took part on a series of talks at the University of Porto, Faculty of Sciences, organized by the Biology Students Group of the University of Porto (Nebup). This meeting, "Biology in the evening", aims to show to the students the work that is being develop at the University Laboratories, a fantastic way to attract new members for the wonderful world of plant sciences!
Publication March 2019March has been quite rich in scientific outputs around here. Another great work from our team about plant reproduction. Ana Lopes, one of our fellows, along with other SexSeed member, has put together an excellent review on the plant reproduction topic. This is an interesting review about the mysteries of pollen tube growth along the pistil tissues and all the molecular players involved in this process.
Publication March 2018A great work by Sara Pinto and members of the Sexseed team has just been published! Here is an excellent review on the female germline formation and development. Here the authors "highlight recent progress towards understanding the role of intercellular communication, cell competency, and cell-cycle regulation in the ovule primordium, and we discuss the possibility that distinct pathways restrict germline development at different stages." Collaboration is always the best way to work and achieve good results!
Women in STEM February 2019Do you know that more than 40% of #MSCA fellows are women? MSCA is proud to support researchers in the name of Marie Skłodowska-Curie, whose work keeps on inspiring women and girls to embark on a scientific career and never give up on their dreams. And so do we! Most of the members of the SexSeed team are women and we are proud of it!
Seeds of Change December 2018Before the end of 2018 here is an article by our fellow Jessy Silva on our Plant Satellite Meeting. Just a sneak peek: "Different love stories that lead to the formation of seeds reunited some experienced researchers, PhD students, early career researchers and academics from all over the world to share their common passion for plant reproduction at the SEB plant satellite meeting “Advances in Plant Reproduction – From Gametes to Seeds” in Florence, Italy this summer."
Season'r Greetings December 2018The SexSeed team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year! May it be full of science and fun!
Advances in plant reproduction - From Gametes to Seeds June - July 2018We just had 2 days full of scientific news on Plant Reproduction in the beautiful city of Firenze! This SEB Satellite Meeting in Firenze, Italy - From gametes to seeds was organized by our team from Porto and it was a very interesting moment to share lots of knowledge and learn a lot... always with positive vibes! You can check the full programme here.
From Gametes to Seeds - SEB Plant Satellite Meeting June - July 2018Advances in plant reproduction - From Gametes to Seeds is a two days meeting organized by Sexseed team members, and will be held in Florence on June 30 - July 1, 2018, just before the SEB Meeting. This meeting is the result of the demanding investment efforts made in the last years, by the plant reproduction scientific community, in understanding the basis of reproductive traits and its relationship with the plant phenotypic plasticity. More details here. The meeting will aim to gather enthusiastic experienced researchers, PhD students, early career researchers and academics within the fields of plant reproduction and development, but is also intended for plant reproduction publishers, companies and stakeholders that will be able to disseminate this new shared knowledge worldwide.
Japan 2018 June 2018Our team members had the chance to present their works at the 25th International Congress on Plant reproduction in Gifu, Japan. This was a fantastic meeting, in a wonderful location. We are sure this will enrich our fellows scientific background as well as our networks, boosting SexSeed's project forward! Thank you ICSPR team! Wonderful meeting!.
Japan 2018 May 2018Our coordinator is now in Japan, at Nagoya University ITbM, in Dr. Higashyiama Lab! Sílvia Coimbra presented a seminar on the topic of her research group "AGPs cross-talk in pollen-pistil interactions". Thank you all for the very warm welcome!
Japan 2018 May 2018Our fellows are in love with the Japanese culture! Two of our fellows, Diana Moreira and Maria João Ferreira are on a secondment at Tetsuya Higashiyama's Lab, in ITbM (Nagoya, Japan) and now our fellows Jessy Silva, Ana Lopes and our coordinator Sílvia Coimbra just joined them for one month stay. They will not only enjoy a whole new experience, work at the ITbM but will also participate in the 25th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction..
IJUP 2018 Feb 2018On 7 - 9 February, our fellows Diana Moreira, Jessy Silva, Ricardo Lopes and Ricardo Ferraz, presented their work to the academic community at Universidade do Porto, during the Young Investigators Meeting. More info here. Great work!
Marie Curie actions support Oct 2017The Research Support Unit from the University of Porto held information sessions dedicated to H2020, namely the Marie Curie Actions and the European Research Council, on October 19 and 20, 2017. Our coordinator Sílvia Coimbra shared her experience in the participation of SexSeed MSCAction. The sessions were attended by the National Contact Point adn were open to the entire Universidade do Porto community.
European Researchers’ Night Sep 2017Our Coordinator, Sílvia Coimbra, sharing her fantastic work as a Consolidated Researcher in the Career Development Workshop, integrated in Ciência à Moda do Norte event.
Workshop II Sep 2017The Sexseed Workshop II and Mid-Term Meeting took place in Italy, at the Botanical Garden of Padua - UNESCO World Heritage. The Workshop was integrated in the Workshop on Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Flower Development 2017. More details here.
FoPD Mar 2017Celebrating the Fascination of Plants Day in Milano, Italy, with activities directed to the general public.
Report Mar 2017Internal Consortium Report I.Publication Dec 2016'); -->Facebook & Twitter online Sept 2016Dissemination of research information to the scientific community and public engagement.Webpage online Apr 2016Workshop I Mar 2016The kick-off Workshop "From sex to seed: a molecular dialogue” took place in Tucson, Arizona, USA at the School of Plant Sciences, UArizona. More details here.Start of SEXSEED Mar 2016