Symposium: Plant Reproduction Down Under - Adelaide, Australia

The Coordinators of SexSeed team have organized a symposium with the latest updates on the field of Plant Reproduction. This meeting was open to all the scientific community. This included not only a series of interesting talks and poster sessions but also some leisure time such as a guided tour to the Waite Arboretu. To finalize, the SexSeed team got together to discuss the project, while it approaches its end. But collaborations will endure over time, that's for sure! Maybe they're planning the next RISE project? Who knows?
XV Cell Wall Meeting, Cambridge UK

In July, 2019 members of our SexSeed team attended the XV Cell Wall Meeting, in Cambridge, UK. This was a great Conference, with an incredible organization by Paul Dupree's Lab. Our fellows had the opportunity to listen to new insights on the topic of plant cell walls, so intimately connected to the plant reproduction field of study.
Special Issue: Advances in Plant Reproduction: from Gametes to Seeds

SexSeed coordinator, Sílvia Coimbra and another MSCA fellow, Ana Marta Pereira have just put together a series of articles written by participants from our last meeting in Firenze in the form of a Special Issue on the Journal of Experimental Botany.
CRISPR Cas Genome editing in Plants

VIB Life Sciences made a comprehensive booklet for non-scientists on genome editing in plants. It explains how this technique revolutionized genome editing in plants, how it can speed up research, and the differences between this technique and genetic modifications. Very useful to inform interested citizens and to illustrate the potential of this amazing technology.
Revisiting the Female Germline and Its Expanding Toolbox

Great work by Sara Pinto and members of the Sexseed team! Here is an excellent review on the female germline formation and development. Here the authors "highlight recent progress towards understanding the role of intercellular communication, cell competency, and cell-cycle regulation in the ovule primordium, and we discuss the possibility that distinct pathways restrict germline development at different stages." Collaboration is always the best way to work and achieve good results!
International Day of women & girls in science

DYK? More than 40% of #MSCA fellows are women. MSCA is proud to support researchers in the name of Marie Skłodowska-Curie, whose work keeps on inspiring women and girls to embark on a scientific career and never give up on their dreams. And so do we!
spreding the seeds of change

Before the end of 2018 here is an article by our fellow Jessy Silva on our Plant Satellite Meeting. "Different love stories that lead to the formation of seeds reunited some experienced researchers, PhD students, early career researchers and academics from all over the world to share their common passion for plant reproduction at the SEB plant satellite meeting “Advances in Plant Reproduction – From Gametes to Seeds” in Florence, Italy this summer."
Season's Greetings!

The SexSeed team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a great new year! May it be full of science and fun!
From Gametes to seeds - SEB Plant Satellite Meeting

2018 has been quite an year when it comes to meetings on Plant Reproduction! We just had 2 days full of scientific news on Plant Reproduction in the beautiful city of Firenze! This SEB Satellite Meeting in Firenze, Italy - From gametes to seeds was organized by our team from Porto and it was a very interesting moment to share lots of knowledge and learn a lot... always with positive vibes!
looking into the future in Plant Reproduction

During the 25th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction the location and dates for the next ICSPR were decided! It will be held in 2020, in the beautiful city of Prague in Czech Republic, and organized by David Honys (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) and Thomas Dresselhaus (University of Regensburg).

Our team at the 25th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction in Japan, surely a great meeting! Our fellows presented their works as oral and poster presentations. We are sure this will enrich our scientific background as well as our networks, boosting SexSeed's project forward! Thank you ICSP team! Wonderful meeting!
SexSeed coordinator in Japan

Our coordinator is now in Japan, at Nagoya University ITbM, in Dr. Higashyiama Lab! Sílvia Coimbra presented a seminar on AGPs cross-talk in pollen-pistil interactions". Thank you all for the very warm welcome, now let's get ready for the great 25th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction!
Welcome party in Japan for our fellow Diana Moreira

Our fellow Diana Moreira just joined Maria João Ferreira in Nagoya, Japan. She is currently starting her secondment in the group of Tetsuya Higashiyama and she was received with a warming welcome party! Isn't this special? The perfect way to make you feel at home and more confortable, scientists really know how to do it! The best of luck Diana!
IJUP2018, Universidade do Porto Young Investigators Meeting

Diana Moreira, Jessy Silva and Ricardo Ferraz had the fantastic chance of presenting their ongoing research. Great work guys! #IJUP2018 #UPorto #scicomm #sciencedissemination
Science and Food Security - Biotechnology : Changing lives in India
Meeting the nutritional needs of a growing world population – one expected to exceed ten billion – by 2050 – and do so through improved, efficient and sustainable food systems, is a major task, yet one which the world must take on. While recent breakthroughs in biotechnologies in the food and agriculture sectors have been impressive, applying them at ground level have been more challenging. FAO in Asia-Pacific, in collaboration with partners in the public and private sectors, has taken a closer look at various non-GMO biotechnologies and their successes. In India, IRRI has developed climate-resilient rice varieties that could withstand severe flooding, drought, salinity, and iron toxicity.
IJUP2018, Universidade do Porto Young Investigators Meeting

The IJUP2018, Universidade do Porto Young Investigators Meeting took place at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, on February 7-9, 2018. Some of our fellows had the fantastic chance of presenting their ongoing research during this meeting. Great work guys!
SEB Florence Plant Satellite Meeting From Gametes to Seeds

Advances in plant reproduction is organized by Sexseed team members, and will be held in Florence on June 30 - July 1, 2018, just before the SEB Meeting. This meeting is the result of the demanding investment efforts made in the last years, by the plant reproduction scientific community, in understanding the basis of reproductive traits and its relationship with the plant phenotypic plasticity. . More details here. Abstract submission and registration is now open!
25th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction (ICSPR)

The 25th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction will take place in Gifu (Japan) on June 11–16, 2018. The congress is held once every two years and is hosted by the International Association of Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (IASPRR). The 25th ICSPR will be the first held in Japan and will be located at the Nagaragawa Convention Center, Gifu. More detail can be found here. Abstract submission and registration is now open!
SexSeed II Workshop On sexual plant

The range of topics covered during FlowerDev2017 Sexual Plant Reproduction Session was fascinating. Fantastic lectures given by the bigwigs of our research field and the discussions that followed were truly inspiring. As well as the presentations made by the younger scientists. Listening to the most recent scientific advances in our field was very informative and interesting. The whole workshop atmosphere was very pleasant and naturally led to fruitful discussions between well-established researchers and young students, giving all the opportunity to share not only scientific ideas but also many other issues, regarding our lives as scientists.
Reproduction and mid-term meeting

Hosting this meeting in the Botanical Garden of Padua was a wonderful plus. For that we must thank the team behind the FlowerDev Workshop for all the support! It allowed us to refresh our minds between the different scientific sessions, and it couldn’t be a better choice: flower development discussions in this lovely botanical garden full of what we most love, plants. The SexSeed Mid-term Meeting was also a success, giving us the opportunity to adjust some secondments according to the presence of new partners. Overall the scientific achievements of our project are stimulating and promising, revealing the hard work of our team. Keep up the good work SexSeed Team! If you are curious, more details here.
SexSeed II Workshop

Our II Workshop will be held in Padova, Italy, on the 6th of September 2017 and it will be part of the Workshop on Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Flower Development. The organization of this event is the result of a close and successful collaboration maintained between Sílvia Coimbra's Lab in Porto and Lucia Colombo group in Milano, Italy. This Workshop session will be about Sexual Plant Reproduction and it will have the participation of several renowned researchers.
The ancestral flower of Angiosperms

The flower of the most recent common ancestor of all flowering plants was recently described by Sauquet et al. (2017) in the latest issue of Nature Communications. According to this study, the first angiosperm flower had a simple arrangement of layered petals and contained both male and female reproductive organs. This work may help to uncover how flowers took over the world, the "abominable mystery" that bothered the father of evolutionary biology, Charles Darwin.
Ana Marta #MyResearchIn1Photo!

Proudly proud is once again, our team with Ana Marta Pereira results! This time she won the MarieSkłodowskaCurie @MSCActions #MyResearchIn1Photo competition! Keep on going, woman!
Fascination of Plants Day

Celebrating Fascination of Plants Day in Milano, Italy, with one of our fellows Marta Mendes. Wherever you are, just check the FoPD agenda and search for an activity near you! The activities are directed to the general public. Don't miss the chance to celebrate this wonderful day!
The Teacher's resource pack
This is a collection of ready-to-use teaching and learning resources, aiming to raise awareness among young Europeans (11-15 years old) of the importance of EU Food and Farming. It is free of charge and downloadable (per module or as a whole) in 24 EU languages here!
Upcoming Workshop

The Workshop on Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Flower Development will take place in the Botanical Garden of Padua, Italy, from 3-7 September 2017. This is a great opportunity for the ones working on this field, with a high quality organizing & scientific Committee!
ABOUT GMOS - Genetic Engineering & Our Food
Are GMOs bad for your health or not? Or is this fear unfounded? Here is a great video explaining how GMOs may be present in our food, and do you no harm at all. Video created by the Patreon team.
Secrets of Nature - Peas and Cues (1930 - 1939)
Lovely video showing the seed of a pea plant growing through time lapse photography. This is a Pro Patria film presentation, produced by the British Instructional Films Ltd. Check more videos here.
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