Where next?

In the end of Ferbuary 2020 our project has finished. Along the whole period while the project ran, we had the opportunity to start & establish fruitfull new collaborations. During the course of SexSeed seconded researchers have benefited a lot from all these traveling around the world, opening new doors for their future careers in plant sciences! We are surely proud of all the work developed and efforts put on this fantastic project. We just wish all our team members to continue working hard and following their dream projects!
Sílvia Coimbra @Tucker's Lab

In the beginning of 2020, our coordinator Sílvia Coimbra from University of Porto, Portugal went out on a final secondment in Adelaide, Australia, for a 1 month stay at Dr Tucker's Lab. During this period Sílvia participated in our Symposium: Plant Reproduction Down Under. She also had several meetings with other members of the SexSeed team, to to get a balance on what was done and start preparing our final reports! In February the SexSeed project is finished, and Sílvia, as all of us, just wants to wrap it up in the best possible way!
Sara Pinto @Tucker's Lab

Just like Maria João Ferreira can't get enough of Japan, our PhD student Sara Pinto just can't get enough of Australia! She went back to Tucker's Lab, with whom she's doing her PhD too. During this stay Sara participated in our Symposium and won the prize for best presentation awarded by the Symposium and Society for Experimental Biology! Congratulations, well done young scientist, great job!
Maria João Ferreira @Higashiyama's Lab

Guess who just can't get enough of Japan? Our PhD student Maria João Ferreira! She's back at Nagoya University ITbM working with Tetsuya Higashiyama to continue with her studies in Arabidopsis reproduction 🌿 Maria, enjoy your stay and come back full of fantastic results and with those Japanese treats for all us.
Ricardo Ferraz @Higashiyama's Lab

Scientific cooperation overseas continues around here! Our fellow Ricardo Ferraz is currently in Japan, on a secondment at Higashyiama's lab. He is working on ovule & seed development, inducing a third knock-out mutation in his double mutants by using the CRISPR-Cas9 technology, at Nagoya University ITbM. Wishing you a great secondment out there Ricardo!
Jessy Silva @Tucker's Lab

In March, 2019, Jessy Silva, another fellow of ours went out on a big adventure in Australia at Matthew Tucker Lab! She's working on the identification of AGPs [methyl] glucuronic acid role during Arabidopsis sexual reproduction! Good luck out there Jessy!
Ricardo Lopes @Higashiyama's Lab

In January, 2019, our fellow Ricardo Lopes, from Porto, Portugal, is currently in Japan, at Higashiyama's Lab, Nagoya University ITbM. He's working on the roles of the GT14 family in Arabidopsis reproduction and adapting to a whole new culture! You go young scientist! Make the most out of it.
Sílvia Coimbra @Higashiyama's Lab

In May 2018, our coordinator Sílvia Coimbra joined Maria João Ferreira and Diana Moreira at Professor Higashiyama’s Lab, in Nagoya, Japan for a 1 month secondement. She will participate in Seminars at the ITbM, present her work on "AGPs cross-talk in Arabidopsis pollen-pistil interactions", and will surely visit the advanced microscopic facilities from Prof. Higashiyama's group! Also, together with the two seconded fellows, she will take part on the 25th International Conference on Sexual Plant Reproduction in Gifu on June 11–16, 2018, presenting her group's work on AGPs.
Diana Moreira @Higashiyama's Lab

In April 2018, Diana Moreira moved from Porto, Portugal to Professor Higashiyama’s Lab, in Nagoya, Japan, joining Maria João Ferreira for a 6 months secondement. There she will learn how to produce genome edited Arabidopsis plants by the CRISPR/Cas9 method. Good luck out there! Don't forget to send us some japanese sweets!
Maria Ferreira @Higashiyama's Lab

In January 2018, Maria João Ferreira moved from Porto, Portugal to Professor Higashiyama’s Lab, in Nagoya, Japan for a 6 months secondement. There she will study how cell-to-cell communication occurs between the ovule’s sporophytic and gametophytic generations, during ovule development. Good luck out there! Bring us great results Maria!
Lisa Rotasperti @Bombarely's Lab

Lisa Rotasperti is a Phd student in Molecular and Cellular Biology from University of Milan who has recently finished a secondment at Aureliano Bombarely's Lab, Virginia Tech, USA. At Aureliano Bombarely’s Lab she learned how to analyze RNAseq data from the silique of Arabidopsis thaliana using bioinformatics tools.
Mónica Costa @Ravi's Lab

Since January 2017, another one of us is off in a 6 months secondment, in Tucson, Arizona. She recently participated in the Grad Slam, a campus-wide competition for the best 3-min presentation of a research project.
Andrea Guazzotti @Higashiyama's lab

In November 2016, one of our brightest PhD fellows spent a month and a half in Higashiyama-sensei's lab, at Nagoya University ITbM, Japan. It was an authentic mixture of life and labwork experiences. Almost impossibile to leave without a scar from there. Highly recommended to the ones looking for a lovely lab time and amazing microscopes!
Giovanni Beccari @Bob Franks's Lab

From July until December 2016, Giovanni Beccari from the University of Perugia, Italy, had the opportunity to work at Bob Frank's Lab, in North Carolina, for a 6 months secondment.
Andrea Guazzotti @Palanivelu's Lab

In March 2016, Andrea Guazzotti had chance to stay at Prof. Ravishankar Palanivelu's Lab for a short secondment of a month and a half, in Tucson, Arizona, US. Arid clima went against friendly and amazing time in the lab of Prof. Palanivelu. A must see for pollen tube guidance lovers. Plus, an extra big recommendation: HUG CACTUS ;)
Ana Marta Pereira @Ravi's Lab

In March 2016, Ana Marta Pereira spent 1 month secondment in Tucson, Arizona. She also had the chance to win the Joseph Mascarenhas best talk award at the 24th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction, delivered to her by Alice Cheung. During her stay at Prof. Ravishankar Palanivelu's Lab, she learned a lot about RNA seq analysis in collaboration with the Cyverse team.
Sílvia Coimbra @Ravi's Lab

In March 2016, our Professor Sílvia Coimbra spent 1 month secondment in Tucson, Arizona, for the Project kick-off! She had the chance to organize the 1st Meeting and develop the 1st RISE SEXSEED Workshop, besides scheduling of secondments for the 1st year, in a wonderful stay.
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