UNSYD is the coordinator of WP7 (Seed quality analysis of the transgenic plants). UNSYD, challenging traditions for more than 160 years.
UNSYD is ranked in the top 100 universities globally. UNSYD is one of the world's top research universities. Its research is driven by the big picture; taking a problem and look at it from all angles, combining the expertise and talents of scholars from many disciplines.
UNSYD research agenda covers a broad spectrum – from literary studies to quantum nanoscience. Its breadth of expertise across faculties and schools is supported by deep disciplinary knowledge. UNSYD has significant capability in more than 20 major areas of research.
Through UNSYD 2016 - 2020 Strategic Plan, the University is committed to targeted investment in both disciplinary and multidisciplinary domains to drive research quality and impact. In addition to areas of research, multidisciplinary centers address priority areas that harness researchers’ values and enhance existing strengths.
The Division of Natural Sciences and in particular the Faculty of Agriculture and its Plant Breeding Institute have a long history of publishing on basic plant function and in developing and delivering new varieties of important crop species to the agricultural industries. Dr. Brian Jones’ research is primarily focused in the field of Developmental Biology and particularly in the role of plant hormones in regulating plant development. His group is currently involved in several projects at the cross-section of hormone and reproductive function.
Dr. Brian Jones’ adopted and developed the relatively recently discovered CRISPR/Cas9 method for targeted, gene-specific mutagenesis in order to modify genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, Brassica rapa, Brassica napus and Solanum esculentum and has funding from the Grains Research and Development Corporation to investigate a novel genetically-based method for improving seed production and oil content in Brassica napus (Canola).