Remote Sensing Applications to:

Coastal Areas

  • Yahia Meddah R, Ghodbani T, Senouci R, Rabehi W, Duarte L, Teodoro AC. (2023). Estimation of the Coastal Vulnerability Index Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making: The Coastal Social–Ecological System of Rachgoun, Western Algeria. Sustainability, 15(17):12838.

  • Pereira, M., Teodoro, A.C., Veloso-Gomes, F., Oliveira, S. (2016). Breakwater control system and structural analysis: physical and numerical modelling (Port of Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal). Journal of Coastal Conservation, 20, 455–468.

  • Pereira, M., Teodoro, A.C., Veloso-Gomes, F., Lima, J., Oliveira, S. (2016). Port infrastructure control (Madeira Island, Portugal) through a hybrid monitoring system (GNSS and accelerometers). Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 34(7), 617-629.

  • Teodoro, A.C. (2015). Applicability of data mining algorithms in the identification of beach features/patterns on high-resolution satellite data. J. Appl. Remote Sens., 9(1), 095095. DOI:10.1117/1.JRS.9.095095.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Taveira-Pinto, F., Santos, I. (2014). Morphological and statistical analysis of the impact of breakwaters under construction on a sand spit area (Douro River estuary). Journal of Coastal Conservation, 18, 177-191.

  • Gonçalves, H., Teodoro, A.C., Almeida H. (2012). Identification, characterization and analysis of the Douro river plume from MERIS data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5(5), 1553- 1563.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Pais-Barbosa, J., Gonçalves, H., Veloso-Gomes, F., Taveira-Pinto, F. (2011). Extraction of Cabedelo sand spit area (Douro estuary) from satellite images through image processing techniques. Journal of Coastal Research, 64, 1740-1744.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Pais-Barbosa, J., Gonçalves, H., Veloso-Gomes, F., Taveira-Pinto, F. (2011). Beach Hydromorphological Analysis through Remote Sensing. Journal of Coastal Research, 61, 44-51.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Pais-Barbosa, J., Gonçalves, H., Veloso-Gomes, F., Taveira-Pinto, F. (2011). Identification of beach features/patterns through image classification techniques applied to remotely sensed data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(22), 7399-7422.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Gonçalves, H., Veloso-Gomes, F., Gonçalves, J.A (2009). Modelling of the Douro river plume size, obtained through image segmentation of MERIS data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 6(1), 87-91.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Pais-Barbosa, J., Veloso-Gomes, F.,Taveira-Pinto, F. (2009). Evaluation of Beach Hydromorphological Behaviour and Classification Using Image Classification Techniques. Journal of Coastal Research, 56(2), 1607-1611.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Veloso-Gomes, F., Gonçalves, H. (2008). Statistical techniques for correlating TSM concentration with seawater reflectance using multispectral satellite data. Journal of Coastal Research, 24(3), 40-49.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Veloso-Gomes, F., Gonçalves, H. (2007). Retrieving TSM concentration from multispectral satellite data by multiple regression and artificial neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 45(5), 1342-1350.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Veloso-Gomes, F. (2007). Quantification of the Total Suspended Matter concentration around the sea breaking zone from in situ measurements and TERRA/ASTER data. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 25(2), 67-80.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Marçal, A.R.S., Veloso-Gomes, F. (2007). Correlation analysis of water wave reflectance and local TSM concentrations in the breaking zone, using remote sensing techniques. Journal of Coastal Research, 23(6), 1491–1497.
  • Environmental

  • Pôças, I., Almeida, C.Rd., Arenas-Castro, S., Campos, J.C., Garcia, N., Alírio, J., Sillero, N., Teodoro, A.C. (2024). Spectral Library of Plant Species from Montesinho Natural Park in Portugal. Data, 9(5):65.

  • Garcia, N., Campos, J.C., Silva, D., Alírio, J., Duarte, L.B., Arenas-Castro, S., Pôças, I., Loureiro, A., Teodoro, A.C., Sillero, N. (2024). Biodiversity dataset and atlas of the special area of conservation Montesinho/Nogueira, Portugal. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e118854.

  • J.C. Campos, N. Garcia, J. Alírio, S. Arenas-Castro, A.C. Teodoro, N. Sillero. (2023). Ecological niche models using MaxEnt in Google earth engine: evaluation, guidelines and recommendations. Eco. Inform., 76.

  • Teodoro, A., Santos, P., Espinha Marques, J., Ribeiro, J., Mansilha, C., Melo, A., Duarte, L., Rodrigues de Almeida, C., Flores, D. (2021). An Integrated Multi-Approach to Environmental Monitoring of a Self-Burning Coal Waste Pile: The São Pedro da Cova Mine (Porto, Portugal) Study Case. Environments, 8, 48.

  • Sillero, N., dos Santos, R., Teodoro, A.C., Carretero, M.A. (2021). Ecological niche models improve home range estimations. Journal of Zoology, 313, 2, 145-157.

  • Sillero, N., dos Santos, R., Teodoro, A.C., Carretero, M.A. (2020). Ecological niche models improve home range estimations. Journal of Zoology.

  • Souto, J., Beltrão, N., Teodoro, A. (2019). Performance of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture for Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Rainfall over São Francisco River Basin, Brazil. Geosciences, 9, 144.

  • Duarte, L., Espinha Marques, J., Teodoro, A.C. (2019). An Open Source GIS-Based Application for the Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Pollution. Environments 2019, 6, 86.

  • Alvarez-Mendoza, C., Teodoro, A., Ramirez-Cando, L. (2019). Spatial estimation of surface ozone concentrations in Quito Ecuador with remote sensing data, air pollution measurements and meteorological variables. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191(3):155.

  • Duarte, L., Teodoro, A.C., Gonçalves, J.A., Guerner Dias, A.J., Espinha Marques, J. (2015). A dynamic map application for the assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(3), 2315-2327.

  • Geology

  • Müller, A., Reimer, W., Wall, F., Williamson, B., Menuge, J., Brönner, M., Haase, C., Brauch, K., Pohl, C., Lima, A., Teodoro, A., Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Roda-Robles, E., Harrop, J., Smith, K., Wanke, D., Unterweissacher, T., Hopfner, M., Schröder, M., Clifford, B., Moutela, P., Lloret, C., Ranza, L., Rausa, A. (2023). GREENPEG – exploration for pegmatite minerals to feed the energy transition: first steps towards the Green Stone Age. Geological Society Special Publication, 526(1), pp. 193–218.

  • Cardoso-Fernandes J, Santos D, Almeida CRd, Vasques JT, Mendes A, Ribeiro R, Azzalini A, Duarte L, Moura R, Lima A, et al. (2023). The INOVMineral Project’s Contribution to Mineral Exploration—A WebGIS Integration and Visualization of Spectral and Geophysical Properties of the Aldeia LCT Pegmatite Spodumene Deposit. Minerals, 13(7):961.

  • Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Santos, D., Rodrigues De Almeida, C., Lima, A., Teodoro, A.C. (2023). Spectral Library of European Pegmatites, Pegmatite Minerals and Pegmatite Host-Rocks - the GREENPEG project database. Earth System Science Data, 15(7), pp. 3111–3129.

  • Gemusse, U., Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Lima, A., Teodoro, A. (2023). Identification of pegmatites zones in Muiane and Naipa (Mozambique) from Sentinel-2 images, using band combinations, band ratios, PCA and supervised classification. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 32, 101022.

  • Jon Errandonea-Martin, Idoia Garate-Olave, Encarnación Roda-Robles, Joana Cardoso-Fernandes, Alexandre Lima, Maria dos Anjos Ribeiro, Ana Cláudia Teodoro (2022). Metasomatic effect of Li-bearing aplite-pegmatites on psammitic and pelitic metasediments: geochemical constraints on critical raw material exploration at the Fregeneda–Almendra Pegmatite Field (Spain and Portugal). Ore Geology Reviews, 105155, ISSN 0169-1368.

  • Duarte, L.; Teodoro, A.C.; Santos, P.; Rodrigues de Almeida, C.; Cardoso-Fernandes, J.; Flores, D. (2022). An Interactive WebGIS Integrating Environmental Susceptibility Mapping in a Self-Burning Waste Pile Using a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach. Geosciences 2022, 12, 352.

  • Santos, D., Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Lima, A., Müller, A., Brönner, M., Teodoro, A.C. (2022). Spectral Analysis to Improve Inputs to Random Forest and other Boosted Ensemble Tree-Based Algorithms for Detecting NYF Pegmatites in Tysfjord, Norway. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3532.

  • Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Lima, J., Lima, A., Roda-Robles, E., Köhler, M., Schaefer, S., Barth, A., Knobloch, A., Gonçalves, M.A., Gonçalves, F., et al. (2022). Stream sediment analysis for Lithium (Li) exploration in the Douro region (Portugal): A comparative study of the spatial interpolation and catchment basin approaches. J. Geochem. Explor, 236, 106978.

  • Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Silva, J., Perrotta, M.M., Lima, A., Teodoro, A.C., Ribeiro, M.A., Dias, F., Barrès, O., Cauzid, J., Roda-Robles, E. (2021). Interpretation of the Reflectance Spectra of Lithium (Li) Minerals and Pegmatites: A Case Study for Mineralogical and Lithological Identification in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area. Remote Sens. 13, 3688.

  • Köhler, M., Hanelli, D., Schaefer, S., Barth, A., Knobloch, A., Hielscher, P., Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Lima, A., Teodoro, A.C. (2021). Lithium Potential Mapping Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study from Central Portugal. Minerals, 11, 1046.

  • Frutuoso, R., Lima, A., Teodoro, A., (2021). Application of remote sensing data in gold exploration: targeting hydrothermal alteration using Landsat 8 imagery in northern Portugal. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14, 459.

  • Joana Cardoso-Fernandes, João Silva, Filipa Dias, Alexandre Lima, Ana C. Teodoro, Odile Barrès, Jean Cauzid, Mônica Perrotta, Encarnación Roda-Robles, Maria Anjos Ribeiro, (2021). Tools for remote exploration: a Lithium (Li) dedicated spectral library of the Fregeneda-Almendra aplite-pegmatite field. Data, 6, 33.

  • Cardoso-Fernandes, J.; Teodoro, A.C.; Lima, A.; Perrotta, M.; Roda-Robles, E. (2020). Detecting Lithium (Li) Mineralizations from Space: Current Research and Future Perspectives. Appl. Sci. 10, 1785.

  • Cardoso-Fernandes, Lima, J., Roda-Robles, Teodoro, A.C. (2019). Constraints and potentials of remote sensing data/techniques applied to lithium (Li)-pegmatites. Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 57, Issue 5, 723-725.

  • Bachri, I., Haktapha, M., Raji, M., Teodoro, A.C., Benbouziane, A. (2019). Machine Learning Algorithms for Automatic Lithological Mapping Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study from Souk Arbaa Sahel, Sidi Ifni Inlier, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8, 248.

  • Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Teodoro, A.C., Lima, A.M.C. (2019). Remote sensing data in lithium (Li) exploration: A new approach for the detection of Li-bearing pegmatites. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 76:10-25.

  • Ribeiro, J., Viveiros, D., Ferreira, J., Lopez-Gil, A., Dominguez-Lopez, A., Martins, H.F., Perez-Herrera, R., Lopez-Aldaba, A., Duarte, L., Pinto, A., Martin-Lopez, S., Baierl, H., Jamier, R., Rougier, S., Auguste, J., Teodoro, A.C., Gonçalves, J.A., Santos, J.L., Roy, P., Lopez-Amo, M., Gonzalez-Herraez, M., Baptista, J.M., Flores, D. (2017). ECOAL Project—Delivering Solutions for Integrated Monitoring of Coal-Related Fires Supported on Optical Fiber Sensing Technology. Applied Sciences, 7, 956.

  • Duarte, L., Teodoro, A., et al., (2017). Distributed Temperature Measurement in a Self-Burning Coal Waste Pile Through a GIS Open Source Desktop Application. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 87.

  • Health

  • Medeiros AMd, Lobo MF, Vieira MdT, Duarte L, Carvalho JPM, Teodoro AC, Claro RM, Gomes NR, Freitas A. (2023). Social Vulnerability of Brazilian Metropolitan Schools and Teachers’ Absence from Work Due to Vocal and Psychological Symptoms: A Multilevel Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4):2972.

  • Duarte, L.; Teodoro, A.C.; Lobo, M.; Viana, J.; Pinheiro, V.; Freitas, A.(2021). An Open Source GIS Application for Spatial Assessment of Health Care Quality Indicators. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 264.

  • Oliveira, M., Padrão, A., Ramalho, A., Lobo, M., Teodoro, A.C., Gonçalves, H, Freitas, A. (2020) . Geospatial Analysis of Environmental Atmospheric Risk Factors in Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Systematic Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(22), 8414.

  • Viana, J., Santos, J.V., Neiva, R.M., Souza, J., Duarte, L., Teodoro, A.C., Freitas, A. (2017) . Remote Sensing in Human Health: A 10-Year Bibliometric Analysis. Remote Sens., 9(12), 1225.

  • Ayres-Sampaio, D., Teodoro, A.C., Sillero, N., Santos, C., Fonseca, J., Freitas, A. (2014). An investigation of the environmental determinants of asthma hospitalizations: An applied spatial approach. Applied Geography, 47, 10-19.

  • Forests

  • Rahimi, I., Duarte, L., Teodoro, A.C. (2024). Zagros Grass Index—A New Vegetation Index to Enhance Fire Fuel Mapping: A Case Study in the Zagros Mountains. Sustainability, 16(10):3900.

  • Padrão, A., Duarte, L., Teodoro, A.C. (2022). A GIS Plugin for Susceptibility Modeling: Case Study of Wildfires in Vila Nova de Foz Côa. Land 2022, 11, 1093.

  • Mohajane, M., Essahlaoi, A., Oudija, F., El Hafyni, M., El Hmaidi, A., El Oiali, A., Teodoro, A. (2019). Modeling and Mapping of soil salinity in Tafilalet plain (Morocco). Arabian journal of Geosciences, 12:35.

  • Alvarez-Mendonza, C.I., Teodoro, A., Ramirez-Cando, L. (2019). Improving NDVI by removing cirrus clouds with optical remote sensing data from Landsat-8 – A case study in Quito, Ecuador. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 13, 257-274.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Amaral. A. (2019). A statistical and spatial analysis of Portuguese forest fires in 2016 summer considering Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2A data. Environments 2019, 6, 36; doi:10.3390/environments6030036.

  • Duarte, L., Silva, P., Teodoro, A.C. (2018). Development of a QGIS plugin to obtain parameters and elements of plantation trees and vineyards with aerial photographs. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 109.

  • Duarte, L., Teodoro, A., Monteiro, A.T., Cunha, C., Hernâni Gonçalves, H. (2018). PhenoMetrics: An open source software application to assess vegetation phenology metrics. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 148, 82–94.

  • Mohajane, M., Essahlaoui, A., Oudija, F., Hafyani, M., Teodoro, A.C. (2017). Mapping Forest Species in the Central Middle Atlas of Morocco (Azrou Forest) through Remote Sensing Techniques. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 275.

  • Monteiro et al. (2017). Estimating Invasion Success by Non-Native Trees in a National Park Combining WorldView-2 Very High Resolution Satellite Data and Species Distribution Models. Diversity 2017, 9, 6.

  • Duarte, L., Teodoro, A.C., Gonçalves, J.A., D. Soares, M. Cunha. (2016) Assessing soil erosion risk using RUSLE through a GIS open source desktop and web application Environ Monit Assess, 188-351.

  • Duarte, L., Teodoro, A.C. (2016). An easy, accurate and efficient procedure to create Forest Fire Risk Maps using Modeler (SEXTANTE plugin). Journal of Forestry Research, 27(6), 1361–1372. D

  • Teodoro, A.C. e Duarte, L. (2013). Forest fire risk maps: a GIS open source application – a case study in Norwest of Portugal. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27(4): 699-720.

  • Land Use Land Cover

  • Rodrigues de Almeida, C., Garcia, N., Campos, J.C., Alírio, J., Arenas-Castro, S., Gonçalves, A., Sillero, N., Teodoro, A.C. (2023). Time-series analyses of land surface temperature changes with Google Earth Engine in a mountainous region. Heliyon, 9(8), e18846.

  • Errea CL, Almeida CRd, Gonçalves A, Teodoro AC. (2023). Remote Sensing Analysis of the Surface Urban Heat Island Effect in Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1985 to 2021. Remote Sensing, 15(12):3110.

  • Almeida, C.R.d., Furst, L., Gonçalves, A., Teodoro, A.C. (2022). Remote Sensing Image-Based Analysis of the Urban Heat Island Effect in Bragança, Portugal, Environments 2022, 9, 98.

  • Hitouri, S.,Varasano, A., Mohajane, M., Ijlil, S., Essahlaoui, N., Ali, S.A., Essahlaoui, A., Pham, Q.B, Waleed, M., Palateerdham, S.K., Teodoro, A.C. (2022). Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Gully Erosion Mapping Susceptibility at a Watershed Scale. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2022, 11, 401.

  • Almeida, C.R.d., Teodoro, A.C., Gonçalves, A. (2021). Study of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) Using Remote Sensing Data/Techniques: A Systematic Review. Environments, 8.

  • Lourenço, P., Teodoro, A.C., Gonçalves, J.A., Honrado, J.P, Cunha, M., Sillero, N. (2021). Assessing the performance of different OBIA software approaches for mapping invasive alien plants along roads with remote sensing data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 95, 102263.

  • Duarte, L., Cunha, M., Teodoro, A.C. (2021). Comparing Hydric Erosion Soil Loss Models in Rainy Mountainous and Dry Flat Regions in Portugal. Land, 10, 554.

  • Duarte, L., Teodoro, A.C., Sousa, J.J., Pádua, L. (2021). QVigourMap: A GIS Open Source Application for the Creation of Canopy Vigour Maps. Agronomy, 11, 952.

  • Senouci, R. , Taibi, N., Teodoro A.C, Duarte, L., Mansour, H., Meddah, R. (2021). GIS-Based Expert Knowledge for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping (LSM): Case of Mostaganem Coast District, West of Algeria. Sustainability 2021, 13, 630.

  • Mohajane, M., Essahlaoi, A., Oudija, F., El Hafyni, M., El Hmaidi, A., El Oiali, A., Randazzo, G, Teodoro, A. (2018). Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) Using Landsat Data Series (MSS, TM, ETM+ and OLI) in Azrou Forest, in the Central Middle Atlas of Morocco. Environments 2018, 5, 231.

  • Duarte, L., Teodoro, A.C., Maia, D., Barbosa, D. (2016). Radio Astronomy Demonstrator: Assessment of the Appropriate Sites through a GIS Open Source Application. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2016, 5, 209; doi:10.3390/ijgi5110209.

  • Matchanov, M., Teodoro, A.C., Schroder, C. (2016). Criterion definition for the identification of physical-geographical boundaries of Khorezm oasis through remotely sensed data. Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 188:35.

  • Urban Areas

  • Alvarez-Mendoza, C., Teodoro, A.C., Toorres, N., Vivanco, V. (2019). Assessment of Remote Sensing Data to Model PM10 Estimation in Cities with a Low Number of Air Quality Stations: A Case of Study in Quito, Ecuador. Environments 6, 85.

  • Tavares. P., Beltrão, N. Guimarães, U., Teodoro, A.C. (2019). Integration of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for Classification and LULC Mapping in the Urban Area of Belém, Eastern Brazilian Amazon. Sensors, 19, 1140.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Araújo, R. (2016). A comparison of performance of OBIA techniques available in Open Source software (Spring and OTB/Monteverdi) considering very high spatial resolution data. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 10(1), 016011.

  • Gonçalves, H., Gonçalves, J.A., Corte-Real, L., Teodoro, A.C. (2012). CHAIR: Automatic image registration based on correlation and Hough transform. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(24), 7936-7968.

  • Education

  • Duarte, L., Teodoro. A.C., Gonçalves, H. (2022). Evaluation of Spatial Thinking Ability Based on Exposure to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Concepts in the Context of Higher Education. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf, 11, 417.

  • Correia, R., Duarte, L., Teodoro, A.C., Monteiro, A. (2018). Processing Image to Geographical Information Systems (PI2GIS)—A Learning Tool for QGIS. Education Sciences, 8, 83.

  • Duarte, L., Teodoro, A.C., Moutinho, O., Gonçalves, J.A. (2016). Open-source GIS application for UAV photogrammetry based on MicMac. International Journal of Remote Sensing.

  • Review

  • Ez-zahouani, B., Teodoro, A., El Kharki, O., Jianhua, L., Kotaridis, I., Yuan, X., Ma, L. (2023). Remote sensing imagery segmentation in object-based analysis: A review of methods, optimization, and quality evaluation over the past 20 years. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 32, 101031.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Duarte, L., (2022). The role of satellite remote sensing in natural disaster management. Nanotechnology-Based Smart Remote Sensing Networks for Disaster Prevention, pp. 189–216.

  • Teodoro, A.C., Duarte, L. (2022). The synergy of remote sensing and geographical information systems in the management of natural disasters. Nanotechnology-Based Smart Remote Sensing Networks for Disaster Prevention, pp. 217–230.

  • Duarte, L., Teodoro, A.C. (2021). GIS Open-Source Plugins Development: A 10-Year Bibliometric Analysis on Scientific Literature. Geomatics, 1, 206-245.

  • Almeida, C.R.d., Teodoro, A.C., Goncalves, A. (2021). Study of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) Using Remote Sensing Data/Techniques: A Systematic Review. Environments,8.

  • GIS

  • Duarte, L., Queiros, C., Teodoro, A.C. (2021). Comparative analysis of QGIS plugins for Web Maps creation. La Granja, 34, 2.

  • Editorial

  • Chamine, H.I., Pereira, A.J.S.C., Teodoro, A.C., Teixeira, J. (2021). Remote sensing and GIS applications in earth and environmental systems sciences. SN Appl Sc,. 3, 870.