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101091616 - S34I - HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01

Start date: Since 2023

Duration: 30 months

Total funding: 4.5M€

Participants/role: Ana Cláudia Teodoro (Principal Investigator; project coordinated by FCUP, 19 partners, 12 countries), Alexandre Lima, Joana Cardoso-Fernandes, Patrícia Santos

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MontObEO - Observatório da biodiversidade de Montesinho: uma ferramenta de Observação da Terra para a conservação da biodiversidade


Start date: Since 2021

Duration: 3 years

Total funding: 242 569,05 €

Participants/role: Neftalí Sillero, Ana Cláudia Teodoro, Lia Duarte

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SHS - Soil health surrounding former mining areas: characterization, risk analysis, and intervention


Start date: Since 2021

Duration: 3 years

Total funding: 599 112,92 €

Participants/role: Alexandre Lima, Ana Cláudia Teodoro, Rui Moura, Lia Duarte

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SNAP - Sustainable Management and Control of Agro-Production Systems


Start date: Since 2021

Duration: 3 years

Total funding: 500 000 €

Participants/role: Ana Cláudia Teodoro

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InovMineral 4.0: Tecnologias Avançadas e Software para os Recursos Minerais


Start date: Since 2020

Duration: 3 years

Total funding: 106 765,57 €

Participants/role: Alexandre Lima, Ana Cláudia Teodoro, Rui Moura

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AUREOLE - tArgeting eU cRitical mEtals (Sb, W) and predictibility of Sb-As-Hg envirOnmentaL issuEs


Start date: Since 2019

Duration: 4 years

Total funding: 199.171€

Participants/role: Ana Cláudia Teodoro, Alexandre Lima, Lia Duarte

TRIAD- healTh RIsk and social vulnerability to Arboviral Diseases in mainland Portugal

PTDC/GES-OUT/30210/2017 FCT

Start date: Since 2018

Duration: 3 years

Total funding: 232.150€

Participants/role: Ana Cláudia Teodoro

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CoalMine - Resíduos de exploração de carvão: avaliação, monitorização e recuperação de impactos ambientais através de deteção remota e análise geoestatística

POCI-01-45-FEDER-030138. FCT

Start date: Since 2018

Duration: 3 years

Total funding: 239.938 €

Participants/role: Ana Cláudia Teodoro, Lia Duarte

FlapSys - Fiber Laser Plasma spectroscopy system for real time element analysis

FEDER-301165. FCT

Start date: Since 2018

Duration: 3 years

Total funding: 75.687 €

Participants/role: Ana Cláudia Teodoro, Alexandre Lima

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LIGHTS - Lightweight Integrated Ground and Airborne Hyperspectral Topological Solution


Start date: Since 2018

Duration: 4 years

Total funding: 127.500 €

Participants/role: Ana Cláudia Teodoro, João Campos, Joana Cardoso, Alexandre Lima

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DOPPLER - DevelOpment of PaloP knowLEdge in Radioastronomy

Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) – Portugal Collaborative Research Network in Portuguese speaking countries in Africa. FCT

Start date: Since 2018

Duration: 3 years

Total funding: 299.277 €

Participants/role: Ana Cláudia Teodoro, Neftalí Sillero

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GREENPEG - New Exploration Tools for European Pegmatite Green-Tech Resource


Start date: Since 2018

Duration: 4 years

Total funding: 8 325 292 €

Participants/role: Ana Cláudia Teodoro, Alexandre Lima, Rui Moura, Joana Fernandes

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ENGAGE SKA - ENable Green E-Sciences for the Square Kilometre Array


Start date: Since 2017

Duration: 4 years

Total funding: 3.859.076,89 €

Participants/role: Ana Cláudia Teodoro, Neftalí Sillero, Lia Duarte

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LIFE LINES - Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions

LIFE14 NAT/PT/001081

Start date: Since 2015

Duration: 5 years

Total funding: 220 091 €

Participants/role: Ana Cláudia Teodoro, Neftalí Sillero