
MATLAB codes (2019 version)

A set of MATLAB functions and scripts [] were developed to prepare training data extracted from a signature image, to create synthetic test images and references, and to compare segmentation results with references.

Synthetic Image Creation (2009 version)

The software [] was developed to create synthetic images is a two step process. First, a base image is created according to the parameters s (the range of sizes), u (the size of the smallest unit), r (repetition parameter) and t (number of land cover types). The base image together with a multi-spectral reference image are used to create the final multi-spectral synthetic image. The directory structure must not be changed. [Synthetic_images_Help.pdf]

Segmentation Testing (2009 version)

RGB to label: The software [] was developed to create a label image from an input image. The directory structure must not be changed. [RGB_to_label_Help.pdf ]

Hammoude Metric: The software [] was developed to calculate, for each parcel represented in the base image, the Hammoude metric. The directory structure must not be changed. [Hammoude_Help.pdf]

External Indices: The software [] was developed to calculate, for each parcel represented in the base image, the following three coefficients: Rand, Jaccard and Corrected Rand. The directory structure must not be changed. [External_indices_Help.pdf]