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      Luís Belchior Santos  (Luís M. N. B. F. Santos)                                                          Institutional Home Page       

Best Papers
Curriculum Vitae
Research Projects
Teaching  Projects
Graduated Students


Project A

"WEBlab" - Development of a remote lab experiment "PIB Training BOX".

People involved: Luís M N B F Santos, Fernão Magalhães

  WEBlab Presentation... pps file


Project B

"Cp_ DSC" - Design construction and test of an inexpensive differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) for Cp measurements at 298.15 K.

People involved: Luís M N B F Santos, Paula Oliveira, Sergio Silva

link to: the  Abstract 

Link to: Paula's Presentation


Project C

"Ebuliometer" - Design construction and test of an ebuliometer: Measurement of the vapour pressure a different temperature of volatile solventes.

  People involved: Luís M N B F Santos, Nelson (student), André (student)



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 Copyright LBS-2011.
For problems or questions regarding this Web site contact [lbsantos@fc.up.pt].
Last updated:31/01/2011.