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      Luís Belchior Santos  (Luís M. N. B. F. Santos)                                                          Institutional Home Page       

Best Papers
Curriculum Vitae
Research Projects
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Graduated Students



Current Research Topics:


Thermodynamic study of Ionic Liquids

Experimental determination of standard molar enthalpies of formation by combustion calorimetry.

Experimental determination of the enthalpies of vaporization, by high Temperature Calvet microcalorimetry.

Measurement of vapour pressures as function of temperature, by the Knudsen effusion technique with quartz crystal microbalance.

Measurements of molar heat capacity at 298.15 K by high precision heat capacity drop calorimeter.


Development and construction of scientific apparatus

Construction of an apparatus for measuring vapour pressures of small samples (order of mg) of solid compounds,

as function of temperature, by the Knudsen effusion method, with simultaneously gas phase analysis by mass spectroscopy.

Construction of an apparatus for measuring high precision heat capacity based in the drop method with temperature step programming possibility.


Thermophysical study of perfluorcarbons and high fluorinated compounds

Experimental determination of the enthalpies of vaporization and sublimation, by high Temperature Calvet microcalorimetry.

Measurement of vapour pressures as function of temperature, by the static method.

Measurements of molar heat capacity at 298.15 K by high precision heat capacity Drop calorimeter.

Solid-liquid equilibrium study by DSC.


Thermophysical study of polyaromatic compounds

Experimental determination of standard molar enthalpies of formation by mini-bomb combustion calorimetry.

Experimental determination of the enthalpies of sublimation by high Temperature Calvet microcalorimetry.

Measurement of vapour pressures as function of temperature, by the Knudsen effusion technique.

Measurements of molar heat capacity at 298.15 K by high precision heat capacity Drop calorimeter.

Solid-liquid equilibrium study by DSC.


Quantum chemical Calculation

Evaluation of cation-anion interaction strength in ionic liquids.

Exploring the structure and energetics of PI-PI interaction in organic compounds.

Estimative of thermophysical properties in the gaseous  phase.

Predictions of thermophysical properties based on the COSMO-RS approach.


Current Research Projects:

  • "Thermodynamics of Conducting Polymers"  ... link

  • "Thermodynamics studies on Ionic Liquids"  ... link



Old Research Projects:

   "CMFornos" - I&D Research project dealing with the design optimization and simulation of thermal devices;


    "Static Apparatus" - Project and Construction of a New Static Apparatus to measure highly accurate vapor pressures of organic compound;  


    "WEBlab" - Development of a remote lab experiment  "PIB Training BOX".





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 Copyright LBS-2011.
For problems or questions regarding this Web site contact [lbsantos@fc.up.pt].
Last updated:31/01/2011.