Welcome to SPReD Lab


Welcome to our Lab.

The Sexual Plant Reproduction and Development laboratory goal is to approach an integrated view on the physiological, cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for morphogenetic traits and its manipulation in various reproductive and plant development mechanisms in Arabidopsis and other important model plants.

Prf. Sílvia Coimbra

Group leader

Our team

Silvia Coimbra




"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Luis Gustavo Pereira





Raquel Figueiredo




“Every brilliant experiment, like every great work of art, starts with an act of imagination.”

Jonah Lehrer

Ana Marta Pereira




Mário Costa

PhD candidate
-Quercus suber embryogenesis



Ana Lopes

PhD candidate
-Seedstick interactors



Sara Pinto

PhD candidate
-Female germ line development



Diana Moreira

PhD candidate
- Sugar functions in AGPs.



Maria João Ferreira

-Transcriptomic of the funiculus.



Jessy Silva

PhD candidate
-[Methyl] Glucuronic acid on Arabinogalactan proteins on reproduction.




November 19, 2019

@ The University of Adelaide, Australia.

The Horizon 2020 project Sexseed gathered scientists around the world to study the processes leading to seed formation.

Sara Pinto
February 20, 2019

SPReD leads the latest issue of the Journal of Experimental Botany

Special Issue: "Advances in Plant Reproduction: from Gametes to Seeds".

Silvia Coimbra

Group leader

January 27, 2018

International consortium leaded by Prof. Silvia Coimbra.

SPReD is part of an European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange programme.

Ana Lucia Lopes

PhD Candidate

Latest Feed

Recent publications

Revision articles

June 1, 2019

Advances in plant reproduction: from gametes to seeds.

Journal of Experimental Botany 70(11):2933-2936.

Ana Marta Pereira
March 1, 2019

Insights into secrets along the pollen tube pathway in need to be discovered.

Journal of Experimental Botany 70(11):2979-2992

Ana Lopes

Tecnical publications

January 16, 2020

Fluorescent Immunolocalization of Arabinogalactan proteins and pectins in plant tissues sections

JoVE (2020) In press

Mario Costa
September 22, 2017

Immunolocalization of AGPs and Pectins in Quercus suber Gametophytic Structures.

Methods in Molecular Biology. Plant Germline Development pp117-137.

Mario Costa

Where we are
