The Doctor’s program in Surveying Engineering aims to provide high level education in the field of Surveying Engineering. The program is constituted by an original thesis, corresponding to 180 ECTS, with a normal duration of three years of full time study.

During the course the students should acquire a solid and advanced knowledge in the field of surveying Engineering, the required skills to perform autonomous and advanced research on a topic of scientific and technological relevance. The work developed during the course shall allow the publication of scientific papers in international journals, the development of new applications, new systems for the acquisition or processing of geographical information and contribute to the improvement of the scientific and technological development. Students should have a master degree or equivalent in Surveying Engineering, (Geomatics) or related fields (e.g., other Engineering fields, Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, etc.)

Being Surveying Engineering an increasing inter-disciplinary field, the topic of research can be on the various sub-domains of Surveying Engineering, with particular emphasis on:

  • Remote Sensing• Satellite Altimetry
  • Photogrammetry
  • Satellite Oceanography
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Satellite Positioning and Navigation
  • Integration and development of airborne and unmanned systems



The Doctor’s degree in Surveying Engineering is composed by an original Thesis with 180 ECTS and has normal duration of three years in full time study.



Click here to view the complete version of the latest study plan.



• Holders of a Master’s degree or a legal equivalent;
• Holders of a Bachelor’s degree and a relevant academic and scientific curriculum, recognized by the Scientific Board as sufficient guarantee of ability to successfully complete the course;
• Holders of a relevant academic , scientific or professional curriculum recognized by the Scientific Board as sufficient guarantee of ability to successfully complete the course.

In addition, the candidates must have a good knowledge (both spoken and written) of the English language.



  • Academic Curriculum (40%) – scale of marks should be in the scale 0 to 20 points, as per internal regulation of the study cycle in question, following the classification:
    • with final classification of a Master from 10 to 13 points – equivalent to 12 points;
    • with final classification of a Master from 14 to 16 points – equivalent to 15 points;
    • with final classification of a Master from 17 to 20 points – equivalent to 18 points;
    • If the candidate holds a post-graduate degree, 2 more points are awarded as extra marks.
  • Scientific Curriculum (20%) – weighted in a linear scale of 0 to 20 points, the participation of candidates in symposia and/or international congress, seminars, research projects, number of published articles, prizes and similar features, as long as these are activities which have a scientific character within the framework of the study cycle in question, in the following terms:
    • poor curriculum – 12 points;
    • relevant curriculum – 14 points;
    • very relevant curriculum – 16 points;
    • extremely valuable curriculum – 18 – 20 points.
  • Professional Curriculum (10%) – Weighting, in a scale between 0 to 20 points, the period and nature of professional activities, as long as these are declared in the work contract, or considered as independent work regime, within the scientific area of the study cycle in question, following the terms:
    • poor curriculum – 12 points;
    • relevant curriculum – 14 points;
    • very relevant curriculum – 16 points;
    • extremely valuable curriculum – 18 – 20 points.
  • Work Plan (30%) – the quality of the work plan will be analyzed for the following items: knowledge of the state-of-the-art of the theme, degree of innovation of the theme and adequate methodic proposal for conducting the research work proposed. The following classifications shall be considered, based on the analysis previously described, and within a scale of 0 to 20 points:
    • adequate plan – from 12 to 24 points;
    • relevant work plan, with average degree of innovation and difficulty – from 15 to 17 points;
    • very relevant work plan, with a high degree of innovation and difficulty – from 18 to 20 points.

Tie-breaking criteria:

  • In case tie-break is needed for final placing of candidates, which means that it is not possible to make a decision in ranking order of candidates only by documentary analysis of the candidatures (AD), individual interviews may be conducted with the candidates (EI) and these are to be classified in a scale from 0 to 20 points, considering the following capabilities and competences:
    • ability for communication and general expression;
    • motivation for enrolling in the program (i.e. study cycle).
  • The final classification shall be obtained by the following formula: CF = (AD*0.9+EI*0.1).

Full time: EU Students 2750€/Year*

Partial time: EU Students 1650€/Year*

Full time: Non-EU Students 4500€/Year*

Partial time: Non-EU Students 2700€/Year*

*valid for 2019/2020






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1st phase 2
2nd phase 2
3rd phase 2 + remaining places from the first two phases
(Total 6)


3 years (full time)


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