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Candidates of any nationality can apply. The course is also available to receive candidates with degrees outside the Natural Sciences, especially those who wish to enroll in the Integrated Sea Management and Technological Progress, Engineering and Business Management branches. As a general rule, the following three prerequisites must be met for admission:
- A Master’s degree (M.Sc.) with a minimum of 120 ECTS credits; or a minimum higher education with 300 ECTS credits including at least 120 ECTS credits at the level of a Master’s degree;
- A minimum admission grade of 14/20, or equivalent, in the Bachelor / Bachelor Degree (B. Sc.), And a grade of 16/20, or equivalent, in the Master (M. Sc.);
- A recent English proficiency test.
Exceptionally, candidates with lower marks than those required above may be selected, provided that they demonstrate during the selection interview the motivation and maturity required to develop an international research project (see Selection and Evaluation Criteria). Applicants may also require admission based on an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized by the Academic Committee as suitable for the completion of the doctoral program.
- 1st Stage
- Curriculum Vitae (40%, including academic grades (20%), and experience measured as the number and significance of publications, participation in projects and other relevant components (20%));
- Letters of recommendation (10%)
- Letter of motivation (20%, considering its quality and clarity);
the Project Synopsis (30% considering the intellectual and scientific merit based on quality, clarity, originality and innovation)
- 2nd Stage
- Interview 0-20 values
Final result: 1st Stage * 50% + Interview * 50%.