The Doctor’s degree in Landscape Architecture is planned for a normal full-time duration of three years, dedicated exclusively to the development of an original research project, which will end up with the preparation and defense of a thesis, that corresponds to 180 ECTS.



Click here to view the complete version of the latest study plan.



• Holders of a Master’s degree or legal equivalent;
• Holders of a Bachelor’s degree, who have a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum that is recognized by the scientific committee as attesting to the ability to carry out this cycle of studies;
• Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting to the ability of the scientific committee to carry out this cycle of studies;
• Applicants must also have a good knowledge, both spoken and written, of the English language.



  • Academic curriculum – weighting, on a scale of 0 to 20, of the academic qualifications required in the study cycle regulation, in the following terms (20%):
    • with Master’s degree or equivalent final grade = 10-13 values – 12 values;
    • with Master’s degree or equivalent final grade = 14-16 values – 15 values;
    • with Master’s degree or equivalent final grade = 17-20 values – 18 values.

If the applicant holds a postgraduate degree, two values are added.

  • Scientific curriculum – weighting, on a scale of 0 to 20, of the participation of candidates in congresses, seminars, research projects, number of articles published, prizes and similar elements, provided that these are activities in the scientific area of the study cycle in the following terms (20%):
    • the relevant curriculum – 12 values;
    • the relevant curriculum – 14 – 16 values;
    • the very relevant curriculum – 17-20 values.
  • Professional Curriculum / Portfolio – weighting, on a scale of 0 to 20, the duration and nature of the professional functions exercised, in the scientific area of the study cycle under consideration, in the following terms (20%):
    • the relevant curriculum – 12 values;the relevant curriculum – 14 – 16 values;
    • the very relevant curriculum – 17-20 values.
  • Work plan – the quality of the work plan will be analyzed through such items as: knowledge of the state of the art in the theme, degree of innovation of the theme and adequacy of the proposed methodologies for carrying out the proposed research work. Based on this analysis, weighting the following categories (20%) on a scale of 0 to 20 values:
    • the appropriate plan – 12-14 values;
    • the relevant plan, with average degree of innovation and difficulty – 15-17 values;
    • the very relevant plan, with high degree of innovation and difficulty – 18-20 values.
  • Letter of motivation (10%);
  • Letters of reference (10%);

Criteria for the tie-break of candidates:
In case of a tie, an individual interview will be held, which may add 1 – 2 values to the classification, based on the following competencies and abilities:

  • the capacity for expression and communication;
  • the motivation to enter the cycle of studies.

Full time: EU Students 2750€/Year*

Partial time: EU Students 1650€/Year*

Full time: Non-EU Students 4500€/Year*

Partial time: Non-EU Students 2700€/Year*

*valid for 2019/2020






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1st phase 3
2nd phase 2
3rd phase remaining places from the first two phases
(Total 5)


3 years (full time)


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