The Master’s in Computer Science provides high quality, advanced training to professionals and investigators of a range of specialisations with the field of Computer Science. It increases the knowledge base regarding information technology of those first cycle degree holders who intend to enter directly into the job market whilst simultaneously solidifying the theoretical concepts of those who intend to continue their academic studies. This master’s degree is particularly relevant for those first cycle degree holders who wish to complement their training. It provides technical and scientific improvements to increase students’ employability. It also serves to prepare scholars for doctoral level training.
- The Masters Program has three specializations, beyond a generic route.
Reliable Computing: Fundaments of computer science and rigorous methodologies with immediate application in areas such as computer security and critical systems. - Parallel and Distributed Systems: High performance distributed systems, peer-to-peer, resource mobility and advanced computing, embedded systems and distributed. Concepts an knowledge that are essential to most demanding computing tasks.
- Data Mining and Data Processing: Data Mining, advancing data bases, structured document processing, image processing, among other topics of growing application in business and scientific research.
The cycle of studies leading to the Master’s degree in Computer Science provides four alternative specializations: 3 areas of expertise and a degree without a defined specialization.
The cycle of studies consists of:
- a Specialization course, composed by an organized set of curricular units corresponding to 72 ECTS credits. It confers a Specialization in “Reliable Computing” or “Parallel and Distributed Systems” or “Data Mining and Data Processing” as stipulated for the respective specialization or a Specialization in Computer Science;
- a scientific dissertation corresponding to 48 credits of the total 120 credits, whose public defense may award the Master’s degree in Computer Science without a particular expertise or a Master’s degree in the specialization chosen. To obtain the Master’s degree in a certain specialization the student must obtain 18 ECTS credits in specific courses and the dissertation should address a topic related to the specialization.
Click here to view the complete version of the latest curricular plan.
- Holders of a first degree in Computer Science, Informatics, Computer Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Mathematics or other related fields;
- Holders of a foreign higher degree in one of the areas described in the previous paragraph;
- Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that the scientific committee of the Master’s degree recognizes as sufficient to attest the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies;
- Other graduates may be admitted, provided that their curriculum demonstrates an adequate basic scientific preparation.
Candidates who have a Bachelor’s degree in the area of the study cycle, according to the criteria defined by the Scientific Committee of the Master, will be placed first.
Placing will be done according to the following criteria and subcriteria:
- Academic curriculum (area of training and grade obtained) (85%)
- Sub-criterion 1: training area (30%)
- Sub-criterion 2: grade average and adequacy (70%)
- Scientific curriculum and professional experience (15%)
- Sub-criterion 1: technical and / or scientific publications and communications (50%)
- Sub-criterion 2: Participation in research projects, internships in the area of the Master or other relevant professional experience (50%)
In the event of a tie, the result of an interview will be used as a tie-breaking criterion. Each candidate will be asked about his / her academic background, in order to better measure his / her technical knowledge and its suitability to the characteristics of the Master. Priority will be given to candidates who demonstrate a greater mastery of basic knowledge in Computer Science, essential to the Master.
In this Masters Program in-depth Computer Science / Informatics professional skills are developed through practical, theoretical and
research components, such that its graduates can immediately start their careers either in a business company or in scientific research position. The program exercises a close connection both with the business environment as well as with the high quality research units (INESC TEC, IT-Institute of Telecommunications
and CMUP).
This Masters degree gives access to computing careers such as, advanced programmer, systems analyst, data base administrator, data miner, computer projects administrator, system administrator, etc… This program constitutes also an excellent background preparation for any international PhD program, if the goal is to pursuit a career in research or in a highly qualified job. The knowledge and skills here acquired are also a precious asset for a successful career in teaching.