FTIR Tutorial
Here are some links and
references you may find useful
- Books
- Socrates, George , Infrared and Raman Characteristic Group Frequencies
Tables and Charts , 3rd Edition, Wiley (2001).
Socrates @ Amazon.com
- A great help in assigning both infrared and Raman peaks - similar to Bellamy, but more modern. Excellent charts for band
assignment. Highly recommended
- Bellamy, L. J.. - Advances in infrared group frequencies. - London
: Methuen, 1968.
Advances in infrared group frequencies @ Amazon.com
- This book contains highly detailed information on infrared frequencies,
very useful for peak assignment.
- Sadtler Research Laboratories. - The Sadtler handbook of infrared
spectra. - Philadelphia : Sadtler Research Laboratories, 1978.
Sadtler Handbook @ Amazon.com
- Useful reference spectra.
- Banwell, C. N. and Elaine McCash. - Fundamentals of molecular
spectroscopy. - 4th ed. - London : McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Banwell @ Amazon.com
- Good general text covering theory of several spectroscopies.
- Detailed text covering several spectroscopies including infrared,
and the theory behind them.
- Another good, simple text, covering lots of useful techniques.
- Web Links