FTIR Tutorial
Quiz 3 - Practical FTIR
Question 1
What is the file extension for a sample single beam spectrum?
a. .smp
b. .bkg
c. .sbm
d. .sam
e. .abs
Question 2
What is the optimum pathlength for polymer samples in transmission mode?
a. 10 micrometers
b. 100 micrometers
c. 4 millimeteres
d. 40 micrometers
Question 3
What are the units most commonly used to identify bands in FTIR spectroscopy?
a. Wavenumbers(cm-1)
b. Wavelength(m)
c. Frequency(Hz)
d. Wavelength(micrometres)
Question 4
What material did you obtain a spectrum of in the practical part of the
a. human hair
b. Polystyrene
c. Carbon Dioxide
Question 5
What are interference fringes caused by?
a. Not putting the sample in properly
b. Gasses in the atmosphere that absorb infrared.
c. Reflection of infrared by the sample.
d. Impurities in the sample.
Question 6
What is the correct way to display spectra?
a. In absorbance.
b. In transmission.
c. Either absorbance or transmission
d. As raw data.
Question 7
How is the detector on the Mattson RS/1 FTIR spectrometer cooled?
a. With water
b. With liquid nitrogen
c. With a fan
d. By Peltier cooling
e. It's not.
Question 8
Which infrared technique can measure two spectra at once?
a. FTIR spectroscopy
b. FTIR-ATR spectroscopy
c. Dispersive infrared spectroscopy
d. FTIR microscopy
e. none
Question 9
If you measured a spectrum and it was saturated, what could you do to
improve the spectrum?
a. Reduce the iris setting
b. Use a thinner sample.
c. Scan for a shorter period of time.
d. Increase iris setting
e. Reduce iris setting OR use a thinner sample
Question 10
What does the spectrum of Nitrogen(N2) look like?
a. The same as that of air
b. It has only p- and r-branches
c. The same as that of carbon monoxide
d. It doesn't have one!