FTIR Tutorial


This is the Control Panel, which is used for all the acquisition with the spectrometer:

TITLEBAR : Shows the method you have loaded (in this case method it is named "usedlast").
SCAN : This button measures a spectrum - either a sample spectrum (.sbm) or a background (.bkg) according to how you have the radio buttons on the right set.
PLOT : To print out spectra you've acquired.
OPTIONS : hides/reveals lower half of panel.
LOAD METHOD : click this to load an old method you've created.
METHOD SETUP : will you allow to change all the spectral parameters for your scanning.
DIAGNOSTICS : reveals lots of options to check the spectrometer performance. Useful options in here are INIT BENCH - sends the currently selected method to the spectrometer; and MANUAL TUNE - shows graphical and numerical displays of the infrared throughput(very useful for increasing S/N.)

For now, press method setup, and the next page will show you how to setup a method to enable you to scan a spectrum.

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