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      Maria das Dores M. C. Ribeiro da Silva                                                 

Selected Publications
Short CV
Research Projects
Teaching  Projects
Graduated Students


I am an Associated Professor at the


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry



Faculty of Science of the University of Porto, Portugal. 






Local and date of Birth:

Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal, December, 1953



Academic degrees:

  • Agregação (FCUP, 2001)

  • Doutoramento (FCUP, 1985)

  • Licenciatura (FCUP, 1976)

  • Bacharelato (FCUP, 1974)



Profissional Positions:

1993 -          Professor Associado-UP

1985/93        Professor Auxiliar-UP

1978/85        Assistente -UP

1976/78        Assistente Eventual-UP


email: mdsilva@fc.up.pt

web: http://www.fc.up.pt/pessoas/mdsilva


voice: +351 220402538

fax: +351 220402522



Mail Adress:


Maria das Dores M. C. Ribeiro da Silva

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Faculty of Science of the University of Porto

R. Campo Alegre, 687

4169-007 Porto






The scientific activity of the researcher is developed in the field of Thermochemistry

and it is centred in these main topics:


1 - Study on the Energetics of Compounds Derived from 1,3-azoles.
2 - Molecular Energetics of the substitution of Oxygen by Sulphur in Heteropolycyclic Compounds; 
3 -Determination of the Dissociation Enthalpies of the (N-O) Bond in Organic Compounds; 
4 -Thermochemical Study of Compounds Containing the Functional Group “Nitroso”;
5 - Development of Correlations between Structure and Reactivity in N-Substituted Heterocyclic Derivatives; 
6 - Energetic of the Bonds Metal-Sulphur and Metal-Nitrogen in Metallic Complexes;



Current Research Projects:


    Thermodynamic Study of Fluorene and Fluorenone Derivatives.
    Study on the Energetics of Compounds Derived from 1,3-azoles.
    Molecular Energetics of the Substitution Oxygen/Sulphur in Heteropolycyclic Compounds.


Other Research Projects:

            Determination of the Dissociation Enthalpies of the (N-O) Bond in Organic Compounds.
            Thermochemical Study of Compounds Containing the Functional Group “Nitroso”.
            Development of Correlations between Structure and Reactivity in N-Substituted Heterocyclic Derivatives.
            Energetic of the Bonds Metal-Sulphur and Metal-Nitrogen in Metallic Complexes.



  •  FCUP - Faculty of Science of the University of Porto
  •  CIQ-UP - Centro de Investigação em Química UP


Porto, Portugal




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Last updated: 10/12/10.