Joaquim Pinto da Costa.
Rankings and Preferences. New Results in Weighted Correlation and Weighted Principal Component Analysis with Applications.
Springer, 2015.
Rita Melo; Robert Fieldhouse; Andre Melo; Joao D G Correia; Maria Natalia D S
Cordeiro; Zeynep H Gumus; Joaquim Costa, Alexandre M J J Bonvin; Irina S Moreira.
A Machine Learning Approach for Hot-Spot Detection at Protein-Protein Interfaces.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17 (8),1215; 2016.
Paulo Farinha-Marques, Claudia Fernandes, Rita Gaio, Joaquim Pinto da Costa, Filipa
A sampling methodology to facilitate biodiversity assessment in public green
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Vol. 20, 1 December 2016, Pages 218-226.
J. Pinto da Costa and L. Roque and C. Soares.
The weighted rank correlation coefficient rW2 in the case of ties.
Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 99, pp. 20-26, 2015.
J. Pinto da Costa and H. Alonso and J. Cardoso.
Corrigendum to "The unimodal model for the classication of ordinal data" [Neural Netw. 21 (2008) 78-79] (DOI:10.1016/j.neunet.2007.10.003), Neural Networks, vol. 59, pp. 73-75, 2014.
A. R. Gaio, J. Pinto da Costa, A. C. Santos, E. Ramos, C. Lopes (2012).
A restricted mixture model for dietary pattern analysis in small samples.
Statistics in Medicine , vol. 31 (19), pp. 2137-2150, August 2012.
DOI: 10.1002/sim.5336 WOS:000306471900009 MR2956067
J. Pinto da Costa, H. Alonso and L. Roque.
A weighted principal component analysis and its application to gene expression data.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol. 8 no. 1, pp. 246-252, 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/tcbb.2009.61 WOS:000283926400022
Jaime S. Cardoso, Artur Capela, Ana Rebelo, Carlos Guedes, Joaquim F. Pinto da Costa.
Staff Detection with Stable Paths.
IEEE Transactions Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence, 31(6):1134-1139, 2009.
DOI: 10.1109/tpami.2009.34 WOS:000265100000013
J. Pinto da Costa, H. Alonso, and J. Cardoso.
The unimodal model for the classification of ordinal data.
Neural Networks, 21(1):78-91, 2008.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2007.10.003 WOS:000254371500008
J. Cardoso and J. Pinto da Costa.
Learning to classify ordinal data: the data replication method.
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 8:1393-1429, July 2007.
WOS:000249353700002 MR2332436
J. Pinto da Costa and C. Soares.
Rejoinder to letter to the editor from C. Genest and J-F. Plante
concerning Pinto da Costa, J. & Soares, C. (2005) A weighted
rank measure of correlation.
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics,
49(2):205-207, 2007.
WOS:000247265200007 MR2395822
H. Brás Silva, P. Brito, and J. Pinto da Costa.
A partitional clustering algorithm validated by a clustering tendency
index based on graph theory.
Pattern Recognition, 39(5):766-788, 2006.
DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2005.10.027 WOS:000236164800004
J. Pinto da Costa and L. Roque.
Limit distribution for the weighted rank correlation coefficient,
REVSTAT - Statistical Journal, 4(3):189-200, November 2006.
J. Pinto da Costa and C. Soares.
A weighted rank measure of correlation.
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics,
47(4):515-529, 2005.
WOS:000233502200010 MR2235420
J. S. Cardoso, J. Pinto da Costa, and M. J. Cardoso.
Modelling ordinal relations with svms: an application to objective
aesthetic evaluation of breast cancer conservative treatment.
Neural Networks, 18(5-6):808-817, 2005.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2005.06.023 WOS:000232096500041
A.R.S. Marcal, J.S. Borges, J.A. Gomes, and J. Pinto da Costa.
Land cover update by supervised classification of segmented aster
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(7):1347-1362,
DOI: 10.1080/01431160412331291233 WOS:000228957500005
J. Pinto da Costa and J. S. Cardoso.
Classification of ordinal data using neural networks.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 3720:690-697, 2005.
J. Pinto da Costa and P.R. Rao.
Central partition for a partition-distance and strong pattern graph.
REVSTAT, 2(2):127-143, 2004.
L. Torgo and J. Pinto da Costa.
Clustered partial linear regression.
Machine Learning, 50(3):303-319, 2003.
Pavel B. Brazdil, Carlos Soares, and J. Pinto da Costa.
Ranking learning algorithms: Using IBL and meta-learning on
accuracy and time results.
Machine Learning, 50(3):251-277, 2003.
DOI: 10.1023/a:1021713901879 WOS:000179944600003
L. Torgo and J. Pinto da Costa.
Clustered partial linear regression.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 1810:426-436, 2000.
DOI: 10.1023/a:1021770020534 WOS:000166853300043
Joaquim P. Costa and Israel-César Lerman.
Arcade: a prediction method for nominal variables.
Intelligent Data Analysis, vol.2(4), 2(4):265-286, 1998.
Ricardo Sousa and Irina Yevseyeva and Joaquim F. Pinto da Costa and Jaime S. Cardoso.
Multicriteria models for learning ordinal data: A literature review.
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 427, Pages 109-138, 2013.
J. Pinto da Costa.
Weighted Correlation.
International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, 1st Edition, 2011, LVIII, 1852 p. In 3 volumes, ISBN: 978-3-642-04897-5.
J. Pinto da Costa, H. Alonso, L.A.C. Roque, and M.M. Oliveira.
Supervised and unsupervised selection of genes in microarray data.
In Statistics in Genomics and Proteomics, volume 27, pages
65-74. CIM-Centro Internacional de Matemática, 2006.
Joaquim P. Costa, Israel-César Lerman, and F.C. Nicolau.
Utilização de novas técnicas e de novos coeficientes em árvores de decisão: uma aplicação em biologia molecular.
In Bom Senso e Sensibilidade; Traves Mestras da
Estatística. Edições Salamandra, 1996.
Cruz, R; Fernandes, K; Pinto Costa, JF ; Ortiz, MP; Cardoso, JS
Combining Ranking with Traditional Methods for Ordinal Class Imbalance.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
16Th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Icaisc 2017, 11 June 2017 through 15 June 2017,10306 LNCS, 2017, 538--548.
- Moreira, I; Almeida, J; Preto, A; Melo, R; Gümüş, Z; Costa, J ; Bonvin, A;.
Co-Evolution Importance on Binding Hot-Spot Prediction Methods.
Proceedings of Mol2Net 2016, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, 2Nd Edition, 2017.
Oliveira A, Gaio AR, da Costa, JP & Reis, LP.
An Approach for Assessing the Distribution
of Reporting Delay in Portuguese AIDS Data.
New Advances in Information Systems and
Technologies, Springer, 2016, 641-649.
Ricardo Cruz, Kelwin Fernandes, Jaime S. Cardoso, Joaquim F. Pinto da Costa.
Class Imbalance with Ranking.
In Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks (IJCNN), 2016.
Oliveira, A; Gaio, AR ; da Costa, JP ; Reis, LP.
An approach for assessing the distribution
of reporting delay in Portuguese AIDS data.
World Conference on Information Systems
and Technologies, WorldCIST 2016 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
Vol. 445, 2016.
A. Oliveira and J. Pinto da Costa and R. Gaio.
The incidence of AIDS in Portugal adjusted for reporting delay and underreporting.
Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Proceedings of the 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, DOI:10.1109/CISTI.2014.6877056 , Barcelona; pp. 1-5, 2014.
Carlos Thomaz, Gilson Giraldi, Joaquim Costa and Duncan Gillies.
A Priori-Driven PCA.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 7729, 2013, pp 236-247. Proceedings of the 2012 ACCV Int. Workshop, Daejeon, Korea, November 5-9, 2012.
C.R. De Sá, C. Soares, A.M. Jorge, P. Azevedo and J. Costa.
Mining association rules for label ranking.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 6635 LNAI, Issue PART 2, 2011, Pages 432-443: Proceedings of the 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2011; Shenzhen; 24 May 2011 through 27 May 2011.
P.R. Rao, J.P. Pinto da Costa.
A Performance Study of a
Consensus Clustering Algorithm and Properties of Partition Graph.
In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Computational
Intelligence and Computing Research, dec 28-29, 2010, Coimbatore, India, pp
Joaquim Pinto da Costa, Ricardo Sousa and Jaime S. Cardoso.
An all-at-once Unimodal SVM Approach for Ordinal Classification.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2010), Washington DC, USA, 12-14 Dec. 2010.
Igor Amaral, Filipe Coelho, J. F. Pinto da Costa and Jaime S. Cardoso.
Hierarchical Medical Image Annotation Using SVM-based Approaches.
In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, Corfu, Greece, 3-5 Nov. 2010.
Ricardo Sousa, Jaime S. Cardoso, Joaquim Pinto da Costa, and M. J. Cardoso.
Breast contour detection with shape priors.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing (ICIP 2008), San Diego, California, 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/icip.2008.4712036 WOS:000265921400361
Hugo Alonso, Joaquim Pinto da Costa, and Teresa Mendonça.
The unimodal supervised classification model in a new look at
parameter set estimation.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational
Statistics (COMPSTAT 2008), volume II: Contributed Papers, pages 119-127. Physica-Verlaga, Springer, 2008.
M.R. Sousa and J. Pinto da Costa.
A tripartite scorecard for the pay/no pay decision-making in the
retail banking industry.
In Applications of data mining in e-business and finance.
Proceedings of the PAKDD 07 workshop on data mining for business, volume 177 (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications), pages 45-50.
IOS Press, August 2008.
Ana Rebelo, Artur Capela, Joaquim Pinto da Costa, Carlos Guedes, Eurico
Carrapatoso, and Jaime S. Cardoso.
A shortest path approach for staff line detection.
In Third International Conference on Automated Production of
Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution (AXMEDIS 2007), 2007; pages 79-85.
J. S. Cardoso, J. Pinto da Costa, and M. J. Cardoso.
SVMs applied to objective aesthetic evaluation of conservative breast
cancer treatment.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2005, volume 4, pages 2481-2486, 2005.
I.C. Lerman, J. Pinto da Costa, and H. Silva.
Validation of very large data sets clustering by means of a
nonparametric linear criterion.
In Classification, Clustering and Data Analysis. Proceedings of
the 8th Conference of the International Federation of Classification
Societies (IFCS 2002), volume Studies in Classifcation, Data Analysis, and
Knowledge Organization, pages 147-157. Springer-Verlag, 2002.
C. Soares, P. Brazdil, and J. Costa.
Measures to evaluate rankings of classification algorithms.
In Data Analysis, Classification, and Related Methods.
Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Federation of
Classification Societies (IFCS 2000), volume Studies in Classifcation, Data
Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, pages 119-124. Springer-Verlag, 2000.
L. Torgo and J. Pinto da Costa.
Clustered multiple regression.
In Data Analysis, Classification, and Related Methods.
Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Federation of
Classification Societies (IFCS 2000), volume Studies in Classifcation, Data
Analysis, and Knowledge Organization., pages 217-222. Springer-Verlag, 2000.
Costa, JFP
Mining binary attributes.
In DATA MINING. Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, Rio de Janeiro, 1998, pages 143-157.
I.C. Lerman and J. Pinto da Costa.
How to extract predictive binary attributes from a categorical one.
In Advances in Data Science and Classification. Proceedings of
the 6th Conference of the International Federation of Classification
Societies (IFCS 1998), Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and
Knowledge Organization, pages 239-244, Rome, Italy, July 1998.
I.C. Lerman and J. Pinto da Costa.
Methodological developments in decision trees. An application to
protein secondary structure prediction.
In Yves Lechevalier Edwin Diday and Otto Opitz, editors, Ordinal
and Symbolic Data Analysis. Proceedings of the Conference Ordinal and
Symbolic Data Analysis (OSDA 1995), Studies in Classification, Data
Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, pages 179-188. Springer-Verlag,
Joaquim Costa and A. Rita Gaio.
A spline-based approach for the clustering of high
dimensional data,
In Book of Abstracts of SYMPOSIUM ON BIG DATA IN FINANCE, RETAIL AND COMMERCE, pp. 83--83, Lisbon, November 2-3, 2017.
Fábio Ferreira, Joaquim Pinto da Costa, Martina Mascarello, Rita Gaio.
Alguns desenvolvimentos em Clustering de Trajectórias Longitudinais,
In In Book of Abstracts of XXIII Congresso da
Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE), pp. 263--264. Lisboa, 18-21 de Outubro, 2017.
Celestino Amado, Oscar Felgueiras, Joaquim Costa, Rita Gaio.
Principal Geodesic Analysis on Manifolds.
In Book of
Abstracts, IJUP 2017. Porto, Portugal, 2017.
Joaquim Pinto da Costa & Rita Gaio.
A Model-based Approach for the Clustering of
Gene-Expression Data.
In Book of
Abstracts, Probabilistic Modeling in Genomics 2016 (Probgen 16). Oxford, UK, september 12-14, 2016.
A. Rita Gaio, Julio Silva e Joaquim Costa.
Incidência da Infeção por VIH em Portugal. Estimação com periodos de incubação dependentes do tempo.
In Book of
Abstracts, II Encontro Galaico-Português de Biometria Santiago de Compostela, 30 de Junho, 1 e 2 de Julho de 2016.
Julio Silva, Joaquim Costa, A. Rita Gaio.
Estimation of the AIDS incidence rate in Portugal via the
backcalculation method.
In Book of
Abstracts, missData 2015 Rennes, France,June 18-19,2015.
Rita Gaio, Julio Silva, Alexandra Oliveira, Joaquim Costa.
Estimation of the AIDS incidence
rate in Portugal,
In Book of
Abstracts,CFE-CMStatistics, p.170. London,12-14 december,2015.
Julio Silva, Joaquim Costa, A. Rita Gaio.
Estimação da taxa de incidência de HIV em
Portugal usando o método back-calculation,
In In Book of Abstracts of XXI Congresso da
Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE). Olhão, pp. 165--166, 2015.
A. Rita Gaio, Joaquim Costa, Milton Severo.
Equiparação das classificações dos cursos de
In Book of Abstracts of the XXI Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados, INE, Lisboa, 10 a 12 Abril de 2014.
A.R. Gaio, J. Pinto da Costa
A Restricted Mixture Model for Dietary Pattern Analysis in Small Samples,
In Book of Abstracts of the 29-th European Meeting of Statisticians,
pages 79-80, Budapest, Hungary, 20-25 July 2013.
A. Oliveira, J. Pinto da Costa, A.R. Gaio
VIH/SIDA: Estimação de probabilidades de atrasos e sub-notificação,
In Livro de Resumos do I Encontro Português de Biometria
e I Encontro Luso-Galaico de Biometria,
p. 33; Braga, Portugal, 14-16 Julho 2013.
J. Pinto da Costa, A.R. Gaio
Comparison between two cubic spline models and a seasonal model,
In Book of Abstracts of DAGStat 2013, 3rd joint Statistical Meeting,
page 467, Friburg, Germany, March 2013.
J. Pinto da Costa, A.R. Gaio
Cubic splines for constrained time-dependent data,
In Book of Abstracts of METMA - VI International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling, page 41, Guimarães (Portugal), September 2012.
Oliveira A., Pinto Costa J., Gaio, A.R.,
Estimação da incidência da SIDA em Portugal usando o método de
In Book of Abstracts of XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE), pages
499-503, Porto, September 2012.
J. Pinto da Costa, A.R. Gaio
Unidimensional splines for periodic data.
In Book of Abstracts of XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE), pages
147-150, Porto, September 2012.
Januário, A., Gouveia, S., da Costa, J. P., Sá, M. I., Almeida, A., Carvalho, C., Saraiva, J. P.,
Fonte, M., and Soares, P.
Prediction methods for mortality and morbidity prognostic of
portuguese extremely premature newborns.
In Book of Abstracts of XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE), pages
269-273, Porto, September 2012.
Januário, A., Gouveia, S., da Costa, J. P., Sá, M. I., Almeida, A., Carvalho, C., Saraiva, J. P.,
Fonte, M., and Soares, P.
Prediction of one year mortality in extremely premature
newborns using classication trees.
In Book of Abstracts of 4as Jornadas de Iniciação
Investigação Clínica, pages 125-126. Departamento de Ensino, Formação e Investigação do
Centro Hospitalar do Porto (DEFI-CHP), Porto, Jun 2012.
A. R. Gaio, J. Pinto da Costa
Linear discriminant analysis for ordered classes.
In Book of Abstracts of the 44èmes Journées de Statistique de la Société Francophone de Statistique (SFDS 2012), p. 124, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 21-25 mai 2012.
Januário, A., Gouveia, S., da Costa, J. P., Sá, M. I., Almeida, A., Carvalho, C., Saraiva, J. P.,
Fonte, M., and Soares, P.
Logistic regression in the study of one-year mortality in
portuguese extremely premature newborns: impact of protocol and intrinsic risk factors.
In Book of Abstracts of XIX Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados (JOCLAD2012), pages
81-84, Instituto Politécnico
de Tomar, Portugal, Mars, 2012.
Januário, A., Gouveia, S., da Costa, J. P., Sá, M. I., Almeida, A., Carvalho, C., Saraiva, J. P.,
Fonte, M., and Soares, P.
Risk factors associated with one-year mortality of extremely
premature newborns in portugal.
In Book of Abstracts of 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of
University of Porto (IJUP'12), page 118. Universidade do Porto, Porto, February, 2012.
Cristina Teixeira, Rita Gaio, Joaquim Costa, Henrique Barros,
of birth and mode of delivery after spontaneous labour onset.
In European Journal of Epidemiology, Volume27, Supplement 1, page 52, 2012.
Gaio AR, Pinto Costa J,
Modelos de misturas na identificação de padrões de jardins da cidade do
In Book of Abstracts of XIX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE), pages
117-118, Nazaré (Portugal), 28 September-1 October 2011.
Joaquim F. Pinto da Costa, Filipe de Sousa
Boosting stumps to determine the relevant genes in a microarray dataset.
In Book of abstracts of the 5th Workshop on Statistics, Matematics and Computation, Faro, July 11-12, 2011, p. 65-66.
C. Sa, C. Soares, A. M. Jorge, P. Azevedo and J. Pinto da Costa
Mining Association Rules for Label Ranking.
In Actas da JOCLAD 2011: XVIII Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados, 2011.
A. R. Gaio, J. Pinto da Costa, J. Teixeira, E. Ramos.
Identificação de padrões alimentares: comparação de vários procedimentos. In Actas da JOCLAD 2011: XVIII Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados, 2011.
A. R. Gaio, J. Pinto da Costa.
Modelos de misturas na identificação de padrões de jardins da cidade do Porto. In Livro de Resumos do XIX Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Nazaré, set 28 - out 01, 2011, p. 117-118.
Joaquim F. Pinto da Costa, Filipe de Sousa
Gene Selection in a Colon Cancer Microarray Dataset.
In Livro de Resumos do XVII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Porto, dec 15-17, 2010, p. 122.
C. Sa, C. Soares, A. M. Jorge, P. Azevedo and J. Pinto da Costa
Mining Association Rules for Label Ranking.
In Proceedings of the Preference Learning Workshop at ECML/PKDD, Barcelona, Spain, 20-24 Sep. 2010.
C. E. Thomaz, G. A. Giraldi, J. Pinto da Costa and D. F. Gillies.
A Simple and Efficient Supervised Method for Spatially Weighted PCA in Face Image Analysis.
Technical Report TR-2010-13, Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, UK, August 2010.
Joaquim Pinto da Costa and Filipe Sousa
Boosting stumps to determine the genes involved in cell proliferation due to ascorbic acid.
In Book of abstracts of the International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference (LINSTAT 2010), pages 248 - 250, Tomar, Portugal, July 27 - 31, 2010.
A. R. Gaio, J. Pinto da Costa, A. C. Santos, E. Ramos, C. Lopes.
Dietary patterns in the population of Porto using mixed continuous and binary variables (journal abstract).
European Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 29, - Supplement 1/September 2009, p.20, 2009.
J. Pinto da Costa, H. Alonso and L. Roque.
A weighted principal component analysis and its application to microarray data.
Proceedings of the Conference Statistical Methods for the analysis of large data-sets , Italian Statistical Society, Coop. Libraria Editrice Universita di Padova, pages 203-206, Pescara, Italy, September 2009.
Carla Rebelo, Carlos Soares, and Joaquim Pinto da Costa.
Empirical evaluation of ranking trees on some metalearning problems.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling in the 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 6 pages, Chicago 2008.
Carla Rebelo, Carlos Soares, and Joaquim Pinto da Costa.
Empirical evaluation of ranking trees on some metalearning problems.
In Book of abstracts of the International Conference on
Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2008), pages 198-198, August 2008.
Carla Rebelo, Carlos Soares, and Joaquim Pinto da Costa.
Empirical evaluation of ranking trees on the problem of recommending
learning algorithms.
In Proceedings of the ECAI'08 Workshop on Recomender Systems,
pages 39-44, Patras, Greece, July 2008. ISBN 978-960-6843-06-8.
J. Pinto da Costa, I. Silva, and M.E. Silva.
Time dependent clustering of time series.
In Bull. Intern. Statist. Inst (ISI 20077): Proc. 56th Session,
H. Brás Silva, P. Brito, and J. Pinto da Costa.
Classification avec des multigraphes. Application à la
classification de données décrites par des variables de différents
In Compte rendus des 14èmes Rencontres de la Société
Francophone de Classification, pages 35-38, 2007.
J. Pinto da Costa, H. Alonso, and L. Roque.
Analysis of gene expression data by PCA and decision trees.
In Actas da JOCLAD 2007: XIV Jornadas de Classificação e
Análise de Dados, 2007.
J. Pinto da Costa, I. Silva, and M.E. Silva.
Time dependent principal component analysis of time series data.
In IASC 07 (book of abstracts): Statistics for data mining,
learning and knowledge extraction, page 32, 2007.
H. Brás Silva, P. Brito, and J. Pinto da Costa.
Um novo método de classificação hierárquica baseado em
teoria de grafos.
In Actas da JOCLAD 2006: XIII Jornadas de Classificação e
Análise de Dados, pages 45-49, 2006.
M. Reis, A. Sousa, and J. Pinto da Costa.
Aplicação de métodos de regressão logística na avaliação de scores de risco na hemorragia digestiva alta.
In Ciência Estatística, Edições S.P.E., pages
603-612, 2006.
Rui Camacho, Alexessander Alves, Joaquim Pinto da Costa, and Paulo J. Azevedo.
12th portuguese conference on artificial intelligence, EPIA 2005
covilhã, portugal, december 5-8, 2005 - introduction.
In Progress in Artifitial Intelligence, Proceedings, volume
LNCS 3808, pages 235-235. Springer, 2005.
DOI: 10.1109/epia.2005.341279 WOS:000234796000023
M. M. Oliveira, J. Mexia, and Joaquim Pinto da Costa.
Test of validation of PLS model: an application to european
economic integration.
In Book of abstracts of the 3rd world conference on
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, pages 88-89, Limassol, Cyprus,
October 2005.
J. Pinto da Costa, H. Alonso, L.A.C. Roque, and M.M. Oliveira.
Selecting relevant genes in microarray data.
In Book of Abstracts of Workshop on Statistics in Genomics and
Proteomics, pages 39-39, Estoril, Portugal, 2005.
P.R. Rao and J.F. Pinto da Costa.
An experimental study of a consensus clustering algorithm and
properties of a partiton graph.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge and
Based Computer Systems (KBCS-2004), Hyderabad, India, December 2004.
H. Brás Silva, P. Brito, and J. Pinto da Costa.
Clustering and validation using graph theory: application to data
sets with numerical and categorical values.
In Book of Abstracts, IFCS-2004, pages 65-65, Chicago, USA,
H. Brás Silva, P. Brito, and J. Pinto da Costa.
Alguns índices de avaliação de classes e de partições
baseados em teoria de grafos, aplicados a conjuntos de dados com atributos
In Actas da JOCLAD 2004: XI Jornadas de Classificação e
Análise de Dados, pages 144-152, 2004.
Helena Brás Silva, Paula Brito, and Joaquim Pinto da Costa.
Um método de classificação não hierárquica validado por um
índice de classificabilidade, baseados em teoria dos grafos.
In Actas da JOCLAD 2003: X Jornadas de Classificação e
Análise de Dados, pages 149-154, 2003.
Luís Silva and Joaquim P. Costa.
Selecção de variáveis em microarrays de ADN.
In Actas da JOCLAD 2003: X Jornadas de Classificação e
Análise de Dados, pages 192-194, 2003.
Janete da Silva Borges, Joaquim P. Costa, and A. R. S. Mar cal.
Classificadores e máquinas de suporte vectorial em imagens
In Actas da JOCLAD 2003: X Jornadas de Classificação e
Análise de Dados, pages 36-41, Aveiro, Portugal, 2003.
J. Pinto da Costa and L. Silva.
Feature selection in DNA microarrays.
In ACTES Du X Congrès de la Société Francophone
de Classification, pages 103-108, 2003.
S. Ramos, P. Oliveira, M. Teles, and J. Costa.
Caracterização estatística do meio poroso de argamassas.
In Novos Rumos em Estatística, Edições S.P.E., pages
311-318, 2002.
Helena Brás Silva, Joaquim P. Costa, and Israel-César Lerman.
índice de validação de uma partição em análise
In Proceedings of IX Jornadas de Classificação e Análise
de dados (JOCLAD 2002), pages 44-47, 2002.
Joaquim P. Costa, Israel-César Lerman, and Helena Brás Silva.
Linéarisation d'un critère de classification en cas de données
numériques et qualitatives nominales.
In Proceedings of the VIIIème Congrès de la Société
Francophone de Classification, pages 99-106, Guadeloupe, December 2001.
Carlos Soares, Joaquim P. Costa, and Pavel Brazdil.
Improved statistical support for matchmaking: rank correlation taking
rank importance into account.
In Proceedings of VIII Jornadas de Classificação e
Análise de dados (JOCLAD 2001), pages 72-75, Porto, Portugal, February
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