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Ohio, 2024

About me

I am an associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto in Porto, Portugal. I am also a member of the editorial board of the International Electronic Journal of Algebra, the Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, the Palestinian Journal of Mathematics and the Moroccan Journal of Algebra and Geometry with Applications. My research interst lies in Ring and module theory, Hopf algebras and their actions on rings, Coalgebras and their relation to module theory and Algebraic Coding theory. You can find a list of publication on arXiv or Zentralblatt. I supervised 6 PhD and 8 Master students (see also Genealogy).

Curriculum Vitae



Associate Professor, Universidade do Porto
Professor Auxiliar, Universidade do Porto
Assistent, Universidade do Porto
Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Tutor, University of Glasgow
Software Developer, Scientific Center IBM, Heidelberg
Grader, Universität Düsseldorf + Fernuni-Hagen
Programmer, CoCoNet Düsseldorf
Zivildienst, Sozialamt Düsseldorf
Diplom Informatik, Fernuni-Hagen, grade: “mit Auszeichnung”,
Thesis: Untere Schranken für das Erkundungsproblem
Agregação (Habilitation), Universidade do Porto
PhD Mathematics (Dr.Rer-Nat), Universität Düsseldorf, grade: “magna cum laude”,
Thesis: Primeigenschaften von Algebren in Modulkategorien über Hopfalgebren
Master of Science, University of Glasgow, Thesis: On dual Goldie dimension
Diplom Mathematik, Universität Düsseldorf, grade: “mit Auszeichnung”
Abitur, Mataré-Gymnasium Meerbusch


You can find a complete list of my publication on arXiv or Zentralblatt. Here is a selection:
Locally finite representations over Noetherian Hopf algebras.
Hatipoğlu, Can; Lomp, Christian, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 150, No. 5, 1903-1923 (2022), arXiv
Panov's theorem for weak Hopf algebras
A.Sant'Ana, Alveri, Lomp, Christian and Leite dos Santos, Ricardo, Contemp. Math. AMS (2019)
Differential smoothness of skew polynomial rings
Brzeziński, Tomasz and Lomp, Christian, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 222(9) (2018) 2413-2426, arXiv
Ring theoretical properties of affine cellular algebras
Carvalho, Paula AAB, Koenig, Steffen, Lomp, Christian and Shalile, Armin, Journal of Algebra 476 (2017) 494-518, arXiv
Injective hulls of simple modules over differential operator rings
Paula Carvalho, Paula, Hatipoglu, Can and Lomp, Christian, Communications in Algebra 43 (2015), 4221-4230 arXiv
Integral Calculus on Quantum Exterior Algebras
Karaçuha, Serkan and Lomp, Christian, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 11, 1450026 (2014), arXiv
Injective hulls of simple modules over finite dimensional nilpotent complex Lie superalgebras
Hatipoglu, Can and Lomp, Christian, Journal of Algebra, Volume 361 (2012), 79-91
Fleury's spanning dimension and chain conditions on non-essential elements in modular lattices
Lomp, Christian and Özcan, Ayse Cigdem, Colloquium Mathematicum 124 (2011), 133-144
Non-commutative integral forms and twisted multi-derivations
Brzezinski, Tomasz, El Kaoutit, Laiachi and Lomp, Christian, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 4(2) 281-312 (2010)
All hereditary torsion theories are differential.
Lomp, Christian and van den Berg, John, Journal of pure and applied Algebra 213 (2009), 476-478
Duality for partial group actions
Lomp, Christian, International Electronic Journal of Algebra 4 53-62 (2008)
Chain and Distributive Coalgebras
Lomp, Christian and Sant'Ana, Alveri, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 211(3), 581-595 (2007)
Lifting modules - Supplements and Projectivity in Module Theory
Clark, John, Lomp, Christian, N.Vanaja and Wisbauer, Robert, Frontiers in Mathematics, Birkhäuser (2006)
A central closure construction for certain extensions. Applications to Hopf actions
Lomp, Christian, Journal of Pure and applied Algebra, 198 (1-3), 297-316 (2005)
Prime elements in partially ordered groupoids applied to modules and Hopf algebra actions.
Lomp, Christian, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 4(1), 77-98 (2005)
Integrals in Hopf algebras over rings
Lomp, Christian, Communications in Algebra, 32(12), 4687-4711 (2004)
When is a smash product semiprime? A partial answer
Lomp, Christian, Journal of Algebra 275(1), 339-355 (2004)
Semilocal modules and rings
Lomp, Christian, Communications in Algebra 27(4), 1921-1935 (1999)


Modules for which I was responsible at the University of Porto since 2002.

Lectures held at other universities.



Doctoral students

Master students

Students in other programs

Postdoctoral Researcher


For further information, please contact Christian Lomp.