Webpage of Christian Lomp

I am an associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto in Porto, Portugal. I am also a member of the editorial board of the International Electronic Journal of Algebra, the Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, the Palestinian Journal of Mathematics and the Moroccan Journal of Algebra and Geometry with Applications. My research interst lies in Ring and module theory, Hopf algebras and their actions on rings, Coalgebras and their relation to module theory and Algebraic Coding theory. You can find a list of publication on arXiv or AMS. I supervised 6 PhD and 8 Master students (see also Genealogy).

Brief CV

Brief CV

ORCID MathSciNet ID: 641518/ ZMATH / Scopus Author ID: 14630520600/ Orcid ID: 0000-0003-2475-3448/ ResearcherID: D-1361-2010/ Research Gate


Modules for which I was responsible at the University of Porto since 2002.

Lectures held at other universities.



An up-to-date list can be found either on arXiv or on ORCID.


  1. Essential Quasi-Duo Rings (with Mohamed Yousif and Yiqiang Zhou), accepted for publications in "Proceedings of the conferences: NonCommutative Rings and their Applications, VIII and Quadratic Forms, Rings and Codes", ed. Michela Ceria, Steven Dougherty, Alberto Facchini, Ahmed Laghribi, Andre Leroy, Sergio Lopez-Permouth, and Cesar Polcino Milies, Contemporary Mathematics, AMS (2025)
  2. On Hypercyclic Rings (with Mohamed Yousif and Yiqiang Zhou), J. Algebra Appl. 23 (2024), no. 8, Paper No. 2550051 ( preprint)
  3. Dual Kasch Rings (with E.Büyükasik), J. Algebra Appl. 2450225 (2024) (preprint)
  4. Locally Finite Representations Over Noetherian Hopf algebras (with C.Hatipoglu), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), 1903-1923 ( preprint)
  5. Stable range one for rings with central units (with P. Carvalho and J.Matczuk), Commun. Algebra 48, No. 11, 4767-4773 (2020). preprint
  6. A note on simple modules over quasi-local rings (with P.Carvalho and P.F.Smith), Int. Elect. J. Algebra 24 (2018) 91-106
  7. Panov's theorem for weak Hopf algebras (with A.Sant'Ana and R.Leite dos Santos), Contemp. Math. AMS (2019) (preprint)
  8. Differential smoothness of skew polynomial rings (with Tomasz Brzeziński), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 222(9) (2018) 2413-2426, arXiv:1609.04055
  9. A counterexample for a problem on quasi Baer modules Taiwanese J. Math. 21 (2017), no. 6, 1277–128, arXiv:1605.02297
  10. Ring theoretical properties of affine cellular algebras (with Paula A. A. B. Carvalho, Steffen Koenig and Armin Shalile), Journal of Algebra (2017), arXiv:1609.01771
  11. A note on a paper by Cuadra, Etingof and Walton (with Deividi Pansera), Communications in Algebra (2017), arXiv:1506.07766
  12. A note on semicentral idempotents (with Jerzy Matczuk), Communications in Algebra 45 no. 6 (2017) 2735 - 2737, arXiv:1605.02360
  13. On Topological Lattices and their Applications to Module Theory (with Jawad Abuhlail), J. Algebra Appl. 15 (2016), no. 3, 1650046, 21 pp. arXiv:1305.4578
  14. (survey) On the semiprime smash product question in "Proceedings of the International Conference on Noncommutative Rings and their Applications" Edited by: S. Dougherty, A. Facchini, A. Leroy, E. Puczylowski, and P. Solé, Contemporary Mathematics Volume 634, AMS, 2015 (corrected version)
  15. Injective hulls of simple modules over differential operator rings (with Paula Carvalho and Can Hatipoglu), Communications in Algebra 43 (2015), 4221-4230 arXiv:1211.2592
  16. A note on dimension modules (with Edmund Puczylowski), Communications in Algebra 43 (2015) 2267–2271
  17. Endomorphism rings of modules over prime rings (with M.Baziar), Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 19 (2015), 953-962
  18. (survey) On the notion of 'retractable modules' in the context of algebras in "Proceedings of International Conference on Algebra in Honour of Patrick Smith and John Clark's 70th Birthdays", Palestine Journal of Mathematics 3(Spec 1), 342–354 (2014)
  19. Integral Calculus on Quantum Exterior Algebras (with Serkan Karaçuha) Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 11, 1450026 (2014), DOI: 10.1142/S0219887814500261 arXiv:1302.5216
  20. On the notion of strong irreducibility and its dual (with J.Abuhlail) Journal of Algebra and its Applications 12,1350012 (2013), arXiv:1207.4227
  21. Injective hulls of simple modules over finite dimensional nilpotent complex Lie superalgebras (with C.Hatipoglu), Journal of Algebra, Volume 361 (2012), 79-91
  22. Quantum Groupoids acting on semiprime algebras (with I.Borges) Advances in Mathematical Physics (2011) 9pp
  23. Fleury's spanning dimension and chain conditions on non-essential elements in modular lattices (with A.C.Ozcan) Colloquium Mathematicum 124 (2011), 133-144
  24. Irreducible Actions and Compressible Modules (with I.Borges), Journal of Algebra and its Applications 10(1), 101-117 (2011), arXiv:1003.4108
  25. Injective Modules over Down-Up algebras (with Paula A.A.B. Carvalho and Dilek Pusat-Yilmaz), Glasgow Mathematical Journal 52A 53-59 (2010)
  26. Non-commutative integral forms and twisted multi-derivations (with T.Brzezinski and L.El Kaoutit), Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 4(2) 281-312 (2010)
  27. When δ-semiperfect rings are semiperfect. (with E.Büyükasik), Turkish Journal of Mathematics 34, 317 – 324 (2010).
  28. Rings whose modules are weakly supplemented are perfect. Applications to certain ring extensions. (with E.Büyükasik), Mathematica Scandinavia 105 (2009), 25-30
  29. All hereditary torsion theories are differential. (with J. van den Berg), Journal of pure and applied Algebra 213 (2009), 476-478
  30. Comparability, Distributivity and non-commutative φ-rings (with A.Sant'ana), in "Groups, Rings and Group Rings" Edited by: Antonio Giambruno, César Polcino Milies and Sudarshan K. Sehgal, Contemporary Mathematics 499, 205-218, AMS (2009)
  31. Regular and biregular module algebras. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 33 (2c), 351-364 (2008)
  32. Duality for partial group actions International Electronic Journal of Algebra 4 53-62 (2008)
  33. On a recent generalization of semiperfect rings. (with E.Büyükasik) Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 78(2), 317-325 (2008)
  34. Covering coalgebras and dual non-singularity (with V.Rodrigues), Applied Categorical Structures 16(2008), 195-211
  35. Chain and Distributive Coalgebras (with A.Sant'Ana), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 211(3), 581-595 (2007)
  36. (survey) Kostia Beidar's contribution to module and ring theory (with R.Wisbauer), in "Rings and Nearrings - a Volume in Memory of the work of Kostia Beidar", M.Chebotar; K.WenFong; L. PjekHwee; F.Yuen (eds.), p 73-93, Walter de Gruyter 2007
  37. A note on extending Hopf algebra actions to rings of quotients Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 47(1), 137-146 (2006)
  38. An example of an indecomposable module without non-zero hollow factor modules Turkish Journal Math 31(4)(2006), 1-5
  39. τ-complemented and τ-supplemented modules (with K.Al-Takhman and R.Wisbauer), Algebra and Disrete Mathematics 3 (2006) 1-15
  40. A central closure construction for certain extensions. Applications to Hopf actions Journal of Pure and applied Algebra, 198 (1-3), 297-316 (2005)
  41. Prime elements in partially ordered groupoids applied to modules and Hopf algebra actions. Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 4(1), 77-98 (2005)
  42. Integrals in Hopf algebras over rings Communications in Algebra, 32(12), 4687-4711 (2004)
  43. When is a smash product semiprime? A partial answer Journal of Algebra 275(1), 339-355 (2004)
  44. Projective modules with semilocal endomorphism ring.(with M.F. Nasrutdinov and I.I. Sakhayev) Russian Mathematics 46(8), 20-26 (2002) - “On LE-lifting modules”, (with D.Keskin) Vietnam Mathematical Journal 30(2), 167-176 (2002)
  45. A remark on a theorem of Y.Kurata” Hokkaido Journal of Mathematics 30 (3), 645-648 (2001)
  46. A note on prime modules (with A.J.Pena P.), Divulgaciones Mathematica 8(1), 31-42 (2000)
  47. The splitting of the dual Goldie torsion theory in "Algebra and Its Applications" Edited by: D. V. Huynh, S. K. Jain, and S. R. López-Permouth, Contemporary Mathematics 259, 377-386 (2000)
  48. Semilocal modules and rings Communications in Algebra 27(4), 1921-1935 (1999)
  49. Modules whose small submodules have Krull dimension Journal of Pure and applied Algebra 133(1-2), 197-202 (1998)

Theses and Books

Chapters in Books

Unpublished Notes and Reports


Doctoral students

Master students

Students in other programs

Postdoctoral Researcher

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