Participating in:
- "LIFE - Rede Natura 2000" ( LIFE - Natura 2000 network),
ICN (Portuguese Nature Conservancy Institute)/EU.
"LIFE Natureza" ICN (Portuguese Nature Conservancy Institute)/EU.
"Flora e Vegetação do Parque Arqueológico do Vale do Côa" Flora and
Vegetation of the Archeological Park in Vale do Côa", IPAAR, 1999-2002.
- "Conservação de quatro espécies raras no Sítio PTCON00024 (Valongo).
(Conservation of four rare species in site PTCON00024 (Valongo),
ICN/EU, 1998-2002.
- "Distribution, Use and Conservation of the Botanical Heritage of the
Northern Coast of Portugal: A Sustainable Development Approach for a
(Future) "Natura 2000" Site" FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation)/EU
funded, 2001.
As Coordinator:
- "Phylogeography of Iberian oaks: identification of refugia and
migration routes of evergreen oaks and NW intra-refugial dynamics of
Q. robur", funded by FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation), 2003-2006.
Technical Consultancy:
- Technical consultant of COBA, SA in the presentation session
of Geothermical Project of Terceira Island (Azores) promoted by
GeoTerceira, Sociedade Geoeléctrica da Terceira, SA, Angra do
Heroísmo, July, 2001.
- "Estrutura Ecológica Fundamental da Área Metropolitana do Porto" (
Fundamental Ecological Structure of Porto Metropolitan Area), a
multidisciplinary project, in which I was responsible for the
bryophytes. Promoted by DRAOT -N, (Regional Environment and
Territorial Ordination - North), 2003-2004.
- "Plano de Ordenamento da Albufeira de Crestuma-Lever" (Ordination
Plan of Crestuma-Lever Dam). Promoted by EDP (Electricity of Portugal),
- "Plano de ordenamento do Parque Eólico de Arga", (Ordination Plan of
the Wind Mill Park of Arga), 2004: Environmental Impact Study,
promoted by ProSistemas, SA. and EDP (Electricity of Portugal).