Guest lectures
- University of Cape Town, South Africa. Guest lecture on "Sphagna from
Mediterranean areas in Europe and Africa" April, 2004 at Department
of Botany and Department of Zoology, invited by Prof. T. Hedderson.
As member of the research team:
- LIFE Rede Natura 2000 ( LIFE Natura 2000 network), ICN (Portuguese Nature Conservancy Institute)/EU and LIFE Natureza ICN (Portuguese Nature Conservancy Institute)/EU. 30.000.000 PTE (c. 150,000 Euro)
- "Conservação de quatro espécies raras no Sítio PTCON00024 ("Valongo") (Conservation of four rare species in site PTCON00024 (Valongo)), ICN/EU, 1998-2002. (282,729 Euro)
- Flora e Vegetação do Parque Arqueológico do Vale do Côa Flora and Vegetation of the Archeological Park in Vale do Côa, IPAAR, 1999-2002. (25,000 Euro)
- Distribution, Use and Conservation of the Botanical Heritage of the Northern Coast of Portugal: A Sustainable Development Approach for a (Future) Natura 2000 Site FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation)/EU funded, 2001.
As Coordinator of the research team:
- Phylogeography of Iberian oaks: identification of refugia and migration routes of evergreen oaks and NW intra-refugial dynamics of Q. robur, funded by FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation), 2003-2007. (46,000 Euro)
- Rheophyllous saxicolous bryophytes in mountain streams and rivers in NW Continental Portugal for a PhD project for Cristiana Vieira, 2004-2007. 43,530 Euro from FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation).
- Saxicolous bryophytic communities in NW Portugal: delimitation, ecological characterization and predictive modelling for a PhD project for Helena Hespanho,l 2005-2008. 43,530 Euro from FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation)
- Others
- FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation) grant for sabbatical year 2006/2007 (9500 Euro) as a visiting researcher at Dep. of Biology NTNU, Trondheim.
- Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Short Period Grant
for International Meetings or Training (August/September 2005)
- " Member of the Coordination Board of the "IV International
ALFA Meeting", Avintes, Vila Nova de Gaia, September, 2002.
- " Reviewer for the Journal of Bryology, Lindbergia, Cryptogamie Bryologie
- " Member of the evaluation board of the PhD Thesis of Maria
Arroníz Crespo, University La Rioja, Spain, July, 2005.
"Efectos de la radiacion ultravioleta sobre briofitos acuaticos"
(Ultraviolet radiation consequences on aquatic bryophytes).