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Valorisation of Pegmatite Deposits in Environmental Conditioned Areas

 C. Almeida

Site partitioning of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in tourmaline

G. Andreozzi, Ferdinando Bosi, Micaela Longo & Sergio Lucchesi

Geochemistry of minerals from Li-bearing granitic aplite-pegmatite veins of Segura area (Castelo Branco, Portugal)

I. Antunes, A.M.R. Neiva & M.M.V.G. Silva

The Zealand Station Beryl (Aquamarine) deposit, west-central NB: mineralogic, geochronologic, and petrogenetic constraints

K. Beal, D.R. Lentz, D. Hall, G. Dunning & K.G. Thorne

The Borborema Pegmatitic Province in Northeast Brazil: the state of the art

H. Beurlen, S. Barreto, R. Martin, J. Melgarejo, D. Rhede, M. R. R. da Silva & J. Souza Neto

Abyssal pegmatites in Moldanubicum of the Bohemian Massif

Jan Cempírek & Milan Novák

Beryllophosphate assemblages in late hydrothermal stage of the Rožná lepidolite pegmatite

Jan Cempírek & Milan Novák

Quartz replacement by sepiolite at the Věžná I pegmatite, Czech Republic; An initial stage of a complex desilicification process

Marek Dosbaba & Milan Novák

A new classification of feldspars by luminescence spectral techniques

J. Garcia-Guinea, L. Sánchez-Muñoz & V. Correcher

REE-mineral phases replacing helvite, niobian-rutile, bastnäsite-(Ce) from alkaline pegmatites of Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi

Alessandro Guastoni & Federico Pezzotta

Petrogenetic significance of the triphylite + sarcopside intergrowths in granitic pegmatites: an experimental investigation of the Li(Fe,Mn)(PO4)-(Fe,Mn)3(PO4)2 system

F. Hatert, E. Roda-Robles, P. Keller, F. Fontan & A.-M. Fransolet

Phosphate minerals from the Nanping pegmatite, SE China

Huan Hu, Ru Cheng Wang, François Fontan, Ai Cheng Zhang & Jiadeng Chen

Transformation of igneous quartz to high-purity quartz in granitic pegmatites of South Norway

Peter M. Ihlen, Axel Müller, Rune B. Larsen & Iain Henderson

Geochemical Evolution and Age of the Kenticha Tantalum Pegmatite, southern Ethiopia

D. Küster, R. L. Romer, D. Tolessa, D. Zerihun & K. Bheemalingeswara

Geochemistry of Li-Rich Aplite-Pegmatites Enclosed in Bituminous Limestones (Sangilen Area, South Siberia)

L. G. Kuznetsova

Sn-Nd TDM Ages In Pegmatites from the Quixeramobim-Solonópole Pegmatitic District, Banabuiu Region, Northeastern Brazil

Martha N. Lima, J. N. Neto, M. Azevedo & M. G. Garcia

Preliminary study of intragranitic pegmatites in the Sn-W-(Au) district of Navasfrías (SW Salamanca, Spain)

 T. Llorens & M. C. Moro

Evolution of Nb,Ta-oxide mineralization in rare-metal pegmatites of the East Sayan belt, Siberia, Russia

V. M. Makagon

Fe(II)/Fetot and U(IV)/Utot in pegmatite minerals from southern Finland

Hannu Mäkitie & Heini Ervanne

Cassiterite from petalite-bearing veins of the Barroso-Alvão pegmatitic field: preliminary study

 T. Martins, A. Lima, A. Guedes & F. Noronha

Chemical signature of quartz and feldspar in polygeneration pegmatites in Froland, Norway

Axel Müller & Peter M. Ihlen

Geochemistry of granitic aplite-pegmatite sills and their minerals from Arcozelo da Serra (Gouveia, Portugal)

A. M. R. Neiva, M. E. P. Gomes, J. M. F. Ramos & P. B. Silva

Complex W, Nb, U, Ti, Fe-oxide minerals from the granitic pegmatite No. 3, Dolní Bory - Hatě, Czech Republic

Milan Novák, Zdeněk Johan, Radek Škoda & Petr Černý

Seixigal granite pegmatite (NE Portugal): Structural analysis and general evolution of an outergranite - pegmatite - innergranite stockscheider

M. F. C. Pereira, C. Leal Gomes & A. Aires-Barros

Extremely Cs-rich mineral-forming media in pegmatites and ongonites

Igor S. Peretyazhko, Victor Ye. Zagorsky, Sergey Z. Smirnov & Elena. A. Tsareva

Alteration sequences of aluminium phosphates from Montebras Pegmatite, Massif Central, France

C. Pirard, F. Hatert & A.-M. Fransolet

Regional zoning in the Pegmatites of the Oriental Pegmatite Province of Minas Gerais, Brazil

F. R. M. Pires, M. A. Fonseca & M. Echternarch

Structural control of the Rb distribution between K-micas and fluid in Brazil pegmatites

Joël Quéméneur, Marcel Volfinger & Luciana Azevedo

Mineral chemistry of tourmalines from the Variscan Tormes Dome, Central Iberian Zone (Salamanca and Zamora Provinces, Spain)

E. Roda-Robles, A. Pesquera, P. P. Gil & J. Torres-Ruiz

The Fregeneda – Almendra pegmatitic field (Spain & Portugal): mineral assemblages and regional zonation

E. Roda-Robles, R. Vieira, A. Lima, A. Pesquera, F. Noronha & F. Fontan

Experimental methodology to study the luminescence emission of a pegmatitic feldspar for dosing assessment purposes

L. Sánchez-Muñoz, V. Correcher & J. Garcia-Guinea

Crystal self-organization in microclines from granitic pegmatites

L. Sánchez-Muñoz, J. García-Guinea, J. M. Beny, O. Rouer, V. Correcher & O. J. M. de Moura

The effect of pressure of formation on the crystal chemistry of aegirines from pegmatites of Mount Malosa, Malawi

Luciano Secco, Alessandro Guastoni& Fabrizio Nestola

Geochemistry of granitic aplite-pegmatite veins and sills and their minerals from Pega – Sabugal, Central Portugal

P. Bravo Silva, Ana M. R. Neiva & J. M. Farinha Ramos

The geochemical attributes of the amazonitic microcline at the Morefield NYF-type pegmatite, Amelia district, Virgínia

Maria Sokolov & Robert F. Martin

Magmatic-hydrothermal transition in tourmaline-bearing miarolitic pegmatites: Hydrosaline Fluids or Silica Gels?

J. L. R. Touret, S. Z. Smirnov, I. S. Peretyazhko, V. Ye. Zagorsky & V. G. Thomas

Foordite-thoreaulite, Sn2+Nb2O6-Sn2+Ta2O6: compositional variations and alteration products

Pavel Uher, Petr Černý & Ron Chapman

Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Geochronology of pegmatites and associated alkaline granite rocks of the Khan Bogd complex, South Mongolia

Dalvina Vaglio, Massimo Chiaradia & Dondog Garamjav

Tantalum mineralization in the Tanco pegmatite: magmatic versus metasomatic processes

M. van Lichtervelde, R. L. Linnen, S. Salvi & D. Beziat

Mineralogical and Chemical Characterization of Vivianite Occurrence in Pegmatites from the Eastern Brazilian Pegmatite Province

Rúbia Ribeiro Viana & Rogério Junqueira Prado

Phosphates from Piona granitic pegmatites (Central Southern Alps, Italy)

Pietro Vignola & Valeria Diella

Compositional features of beryl from Koktokay no.3 pegmatite (Altai, NW China): From variations between internal zones in pegmatite to micro-scale heterogeneity in crystals

Ru Cheng Wang, Xue Dong Che, Wen Lan Zhang, Ai Cheng Zhang & Hui Zhang

Deep fluid flow – melt interaction and problems of granite-pegmatite system Petrogenesis

V. Ye. Zagorsky