I SEA keeps making waves: new radio interview for…
Last week, one of the principal investigators of the I SEA project, Prof. Carla Morais, gave an interview for the notorious Sci-Com radio program ’90 Seconds of Science’.
In less that two minutes, Prof. Carla briefly and brilliantly presented the main objectives and outcomes of the project to all those interested in the fields of science communication, digital media, the deep sea, among other related areas.

You can listen to the interview here: https://www.rtp.pt/play/p2936/e580725/90-segundos-ciencia.
About ’90 Seconds of Science’
Coordinated by Professors from FCSH/NOVA and ITQB NOVA, ’90 Seconds of Science’ has the objective of improving science communication and contributing to the increase of scientific literacy of the general public. The episodes feature Portuguese scientists talking about their research work and projects conducted in universities and research centers in Portugal and abroad.
The program is broadcasted daily in Antena 1, at 18h58 and repeated in the morning of the following day. The editions (Portuguese content) are available in www.90segundosdeciencia.pt.