No âmbito do Projeto Erasmus+ GOAL (Geoethics Outcomes and Awareness Learning, ref. 2017-1-PTO1-KA203-035790) foi elaborado o eBook “Teaching Geoethics: Resources for Higher Education“, editado por Clara Vasconcelos (FCUP, Portugal), Susanne Schneider-Voß (BOKU, Áustria) e Silvia Peppoloni (INVG, Itália).
[CONVITE] Conferência “Geoética e sua abordagem no Ensino Superior”
No âmbito do encerramento do projeto GOAL (Geoethics Outcomes and Awareness Learning) e com a intenção de divulgar os produtos finais elaborados durante 3 anos ( por uma equipa multidisciplinar que envolveu 6 países, os membros da equipa Portuguesa convidam todos os interessados para participarem na conferência de encerramento a realizar-se online via ZOOM ( no dia 7 de Julho das 10h às 12h, com a seguinte Agenda:
GOAL Project
International GOAL partnership project will explore the emerging territory of geoethics in order to articulate knowledge and good practices in the field through an innovative and creative approach. The members of the different partner countries (Portugal, Austria, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Spain) bring expertise in overlapping interdisciplinary areas, and these intellectual synergies will contribute to a wider approach in geoethics. Specifically, the project integrates researchers and practitioners with skills in geoscience education, geological heritage, georisks, environmental sciences, theoretical aspects of geoethics and information and communication technologies in education.
The project aims to develop a geoethics syllabus and to offer suggestions on educational resources to be used in Higher Education in order to promote awareness-raising on ethical and social implications of geoscience knowledge, education, research, practice and communication, thus enhancing the quality and relevance of students’ knowledge, skills and competencies.
GOAL Project reference: 2017-1-PTO1-KA203-035790
Programme: Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Coordinating institution: University of Porto (Portugal)
Participant institutions:
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (Austria);
Kauno Technologijos Universitetas (Lithuania);
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy);
Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel);
Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain).
No dia 11 dezembro de 2017, realizar-se-à a Conferência WISE Multiplier Event (Widening Interdisciplinary Sustainability Education – projeto Erasmus Plus – ref. 2015-1-PL01-KA203-016621) na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, no Departamento FC3 Sala -120.
Consulte o programa abaixo. A participação é gratuita, mas devem ser enviadas as seguintes informações – nome completo, email e afiliação – para o email:
Abaixo estão algumas informações relativas aos palestrantes.
WISE: Widening Interdisciplinary Sustainability Education.
A new EU granted project starting in 31st December of 2015. Coordinated by Katarzyna Iwinska from the Collegium Civitas of Poland, integrates four other European Partners (Portugal, Greece, Sweden and Czech Republic). The project integrates diverse tasks with the aim to improve the Education for a Sustainable Development in Higher Education. The Portuguese team, coordinated by Clara Vasconcelos, is responsible for an overview report in “Ecosystem Services, Geoethics and Biodiversity”.
A great challenge for the IAPG colleagues in an EU-Project.Geoethics is among the topic of a big European Project, started on 1st May 2015. The project is named ENVRI-Plus, it is born to develop Common Operations of Environmental. Silvia Peppoloni is the leader of the Work Package dedicated to the ethical aspects of the project. In addition, other news on geoethics come from the EMSO Research Infrastructure.