An Introduction to Quantum Algorithms
The mini-course aims to introduce basic quantum algorithms in an accessible but mathematically rigorous manner. As prerequisites, we assume the audience’s acquaintance with the notions of unitary and Hermitian (self-conjugate) operators in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. No previous knowledge of quantum mechanics is required. The algorithms covered in the mini-course include Grover's search algorithm, Shor's factorization algorithm, and the quantum teleportation protocol by Bennett, Brassard, et al.r

Mikhail Volkov (Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia) is professor and Chair of Algebra and Theoretical Computer Science, é membro externo da Academia Finlandesa de Ciências e Letras e é o editor-chefe da Semigroup Forum, a revista de referência na área de Semigrupos.