The Universities of Paris-Saclay, Rome La Sapienza, Porto and Toronto are collaborating in a Erasmus Mundus Joint Master on Quantum Science and Technology (QUAntum Research Master-Level Education Network, QUARMEN), that offers grants to about 20 students per year, (1400€/mo and fee waiving) plus 10 fee waiving grants.
QUARMEN will provide an advanced and internationally competitive training, putting the students in the best conditions either to pursue a Ph.D. in quantum science and technology, or to enter the lively job marked of high-tech companies in the field. A mobility scheme is in place so that students will benefit from the strengths of the various Universities participating in the project.
This information is of particular relevance to prospective students now holding or in the process of acquiring a Bachelor degree in Physics or related topics (Physical Engineering, Computer Science etc).
More information, including on how to apply, can be found in the QUARMEN flyer. Please visit the QUARMEN Website for further details on this program.