Cord Arnold, Lund University
Abstract: In view of the recent prize for the generation and characterization of attosecond pulses, I will start by briefly reviewing the history of the attosecond science field since the first observation of high-order harmonic generation in the end of the 1980ies to today. Progress in attosecond science has always been strongly linked to advances in ultrafast laser technology. In this respect, I will discuss our work of the recent years on developing ultrafast laser technology for novel attosecond sources. This concerns the generation, characterization and control of laser pulses with just a few oscillations of the carrier under the intensity envelope as well as their application for studying light-matter interaction.
Cord Arnold studied at the Leibniz University Hannover in Germany and graduated in 2007 with a PhD in physics on the application of ultrashort laser pulses in biophotonics. In 2008, he joined Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée in Paris, France, for a postdoc in laser filamentation, financed by the Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften – Leopoldina. In 2011, he joined Lund University as assistant professor and since 2015 is associate professor for laser physics there. His expertise lies at the heart of ultrafast science, in particular, the generation, control, and characterization of ultrashort light pulses and their applications. This includes the development of new advanced light sources, spanning from the infrared (IR) down to the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral range and their application in the investigation of light-matter interaction at the shortest possible time scale. Cord Arnold is co-founder and shareholder of Sphere Ultrafast Photonics. He is responsible for the photonics education at Lund University and he is the coordinator of the International Erasmus+ master’s program LASCALA.
15 de novembro 2023 às 14:30
Edifício FC3, Anfiteatro -120
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