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Publications of Núcleo de Ciência de Computadores, UP -- References


( The central system is not fully updated with all the publications from our Dept.
So this page will list all the publications until the update process is complete)


to appear (in proceedings)

[Moreira and Reis, to appear b]
Nelma  Moreira and Rogério  Reis. Interactive Manipulation of Regular Objects with FAdo. To appear in Proceedings of 2005 Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2005) (and ACM Digital Library), 2005.
[Prior et al., to appear]
Rui  Prior, Susana  Sargento, Diogo Gomes and Rui L. Aguiar, Heterogeneous Signaling Framework for End-to-end QoS support in Next Generation networks. To appear in Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'38), Hawaii, 2005.  

2005 (in proceedings)

[Crisóstomo et al., 2005]
S.  Crisóstomo, S.  Sargento, M. Natkaniec, N. Vicari, A QoS Architecture Integrating Mobile Ad-Hoc and Infrastructure Networks. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Internet Compatible QoS in Ad hoc Wireless Networks (IC-QAWN), co-located with The 3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-05), Cairo, Egypt, January, 2005.
[Oliveira and Moreira, 2005]
Ângela Oliveira and Nelma  Moreira. GerExa: Plataforma Integrada para a Organização, Geração e Avaliação de Exercícios e Testes. In Actas da 3a Conferência Nacional XML: Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas, Universidade do Minho, 2005.  

2004 (in proceedings)

[M. A. Alves et al., 2004]
M.A. Alves, A. Jorge, J.P.  Leal, Extreme Adaptivity. In Adaptive Hypermedia 2004 Conference, Eindhoven, Holanda, Agosto, 2004.
[Alves and Florido, 2004b]
Sandra  Alves and Mário  Florido, Linearization by Program Transformation. Regular-length paper at the Applied Semantics 2004 Workshop (APPSEM 2004), Tallinn, Estonia, 2004.
[Brandão et al., 2004]
Pedro  Brandão, Susana  Sargento, Sérgio  Crisóstomo and Rui  Prior, Secure Routing in Ad Hoc Networks for Table Driven Routing Protocols. In Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Networks, 2004.
[Crisostomo et al., 2004]
S.  Crisóstomo, S.  Sargento, Pedro  Brandão, Rui  Prior, Improving AODV with Preemptive Local Router Repair. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (IWWAN'04), Oulu, Finland, 2004.
[Davis et al., 2004]
Jesse Davis, Vítor Santos  Costa, Irene M. Ong, David Page, and Inês C.  Dutra, Using Bayesian Classifiers to Combine Rules. In 3rd Workshop on Multi-Relational Data Mining, Seattle, USA, August, 2004.
[Gomes et al., 2004]
Diogo Gomes, Rui  Prior, Susana  Sargento and Rui L. Aguiar, Integration of Application-level and Network-level Signalling: From UMTS toAll-IP. In Proceedings of 7a Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores (CRC'2004), Leiria, Portugal, 2004.
[Ferreira et al., 2004]
Michel  Ferreira, Ricardo  Rocha and Sabrina Silva, Comparing Alternative Approaches for Coupling Logic Programming with Relational Databases. In Manuel Carro and José F. Morales (eds.), Proceedings of the Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and Logic Programming Systems (CICLOPS'04), 71-82, Saint-Malo, France. September, 2004.
[Leal and R. Ferreira, 2004]
José Paulo  Leal e Rogério Ferreira, Partilha de dados usando seriços web. In XATA 2004 XML: Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas, Porto, Fevereiro, 2004.
[R. Lopes et al., 2004b]
Ricardo  Lopes, Vítor Santos  Costa and Fernando  Silva, Exploiting Parallelism in the Extended Andorra Model. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2004), 483-489, ACTA Press, February 2004.
[Magalhães et al., 2004]
A. L. Magalhães, Rui M.S. Oliveira, Rui Camacho and Nuno  Fonseca, Previsão da Estrutura Tridimensional das Proteínas. Poster in the XIX Encontro Nacional da SPQ (Sociedade Portuguesa de Química), Coimbra, Portugal, 2004.
[Pedroso, 2004a]
João P.  Pedroso. Meta-heuristics for industrial scheduling. In ISS 2004: International Symposium in Scheduling, Shizuoka, Japan, September 2004.
[Pedroso et al., 2004]
João P.  Pedroso, Nelma  Moreira, and Rogério  Reis. A web-based system for multi-agent interactive timetabling. In ICKEDS'04: International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support, Porto, Portugal, July 2004.
[Prior and Sargento, 2004]
Rui  Prior and Susana  Sargento, Arquitectura Escalável para o Suporte de QoS em Redes IP. In Proceedings of 7a Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores (CRC'2004), Leiria, Portugal, 2004.
[Simões and Florido, 2004]
Hugo Simões and Mário  Florido, TypeTool: A Type Inference Visualization Tool. In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (WFLP 2004), Aachen, Germany, 2004.  

2003 (in proceedings)

[Amado et al., 2003]
Nuno Amado, João Gama, and Fernando  Silva, Exploiting Parallelism in Decision Tree Induction. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Machine Learning, co-located with ECML/PKDD'2003, Dubrovnik, September, 2003.
[Ferreira and Damas, 2003b]
Michel  Ferreira and Luís  Damas, Controlling Code Expansion in a Multiple Specialization Prolog Compiler. In R. Lopes and Ferreira (eds.), Proceedings of the Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and Logic Programming Systems (CICLOPS 2003), Bombay, India, December, 2003.
[Fonseca et al., 2003b]
Nuno  Fonseca, Rui Camacho and Fernando  Silva, A parallel ILP algorithm that incorporates incremental batch learning. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Machine Learning, 23-34, co-located with ECML/PKDD'2003, Croatia, September, 2003.
[Paulino et al., 2003c]
Hervé Paulino, Luís  Lopes and Fernando  Silva, Mob: a Scripting Language for Programming Web Agents. In Proceedings of the 13th Workshop for PhD Students on Object-Oriented Systems at ECOOP'2003, Darmstadt, Germany, July 2003.
[Pedroso, 2003]
João P.  Pedroso, A multi-agent system for automated timetabling with shared resources. In Proceedings of CE2003: 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Research and Applications, Madeira, Portugal, July 2003.
[Prior et al., 2003b]
Rui  Prior, Susana  Sargento, Sérgio  Crisóstomo and Pedro  Brandão, End-to-End Quality of Service with Scalable Reservations. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis (ICTSM11), Monterey, CA, USA, 2003.
[Rocha et al., 2003b]
Ricardo  Rocha, Fernando  Silva and Vítor Santos  Costa, A Tabling Engine Designed to Support Mixed-Strategy Evaluation. In R. Lopes and Ferreira (eds.), Proceedings of the Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and LOgic Programming Systems (CICLOPS'03), 33-44, Mumbai, India. December, 2003.  

2002 (in proceedings)

[Alves and Florido, 2002]
Sandra  Alves and Mário  Florido, On the Relation between Rank 2 Intersection Types and Simple Types. In J.J. Moreno-Navarro, J.M. Carballo (eds.), In Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Declarative Programming APPIA-GULP-PRODE (AGP'2002), 259-274, UPM, Fac. Informática, Madrid, 2002.
[Castro et. al., 2002]
Luís F. Castro, Vítor Santos  Costa and Ricardo  Lopes, On the Cache Performance of Prolog Systems. In Proceedings of the Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and Logic Programming Systems (CICLOPS 2002), Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 2002.
[Costa et. al., 2002]
Vítor Santos  Costa and David Page and James Cussens, CLP(BN) in School: ILP and Bayesian Networks, Work In Progress (WIP) Session of ILP'02, July, 2002.
[Ferreira and Damas, 2002]
Michel  Ferreira and Luís  Damas, WAM Local Analysis. In Proceedings of the Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and Logic Programming Systems (CICLOPS 2002), Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 2002.
[Leal and Silva, 2002]
José Paulo  Leal and Fernando  Silva, Managing programming contests with Mooshak. Eunis, The 8th International Conference of European University Information Systems, Porto, Portugal, July, 2002.
[Mooney et. al., 2002]
R. J. Mooney and P. Melville and L.R. Tang and J. Shavlik and I.  Dutra and D. Page and V. Santos  Costa, Relational Data Mining with Inductive Logic Programming for Link Discovery. In Proceedings of the National Science Foundation Workshop on Next Generation Data Mining, Baltimore, MD, November, 2002.
[Rocha et. al., 2002]
Ricardo  Rocha, Fernando  Silva, and Vítor Santos  Costa, Achieving Scalability in Parallel Tabled Logic Programs. In Proceedings of the 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'02), IEEE Computer Society, CD-ROM Proceedings, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, April, 2002.
[Tomás et. al., 2002]
Ana Paula  Tomás, José Paulo  Leal, Pedro  Vasconcelos, Using Constraint Logic Programming to Generate Drills in Mathematics. In J.J. Moreno-Navarro, J.M. Carballo (eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Declarative Programming APPIA-GULP-PRODE (AGP'2002), 155-172, UPM, Fac. Informática, Madrid, 2002.
[Tomás, 2002b]
Ana Paula  Tomás, Solving Optimal Location of Traffic Count-Posts in CLP(FD). In J.J. Moreno-Navarro, J.M. Carballo (eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Declarative Programming APPIA-GULP-PRODE (AGP'2002), 173-188, UPM, Fac. Informática, Madrid, 2002 (Extended Version of [Tomás, 2002a])  

2001 (in proceedings)

[Antunes and Matos, 2001]
Luís  Antunes and Armando B.  Matos, The Renyi entropy of an infinite sequence of non-independent symbols. Workshop Advances in AI, part of the 10th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA'01, December, 2001.
[Correia and Costa, 2001]
Manuel E.  Correia and V. Santos  Costa, Independent And-Parallelism Revisited, Workshop Proceedings of the Colloquium on Implementation of Constraints and Logic Programming Systems (CICLOPS 2001), Cyprus, December 2001.
[Leal et. al., 2001a]
José P.  Leal, Nelma  Moreira and Pedro  Ribeiro, EDIC: Uma Abordagem para Apresentação de Conteúdos Pedagógicos na Web, CINTEC: International Conference on New Technologies in Science Education, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2001. Also as Technical Report DCC-2001-5, DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto, July 2001.
[M. Antunes et. al., 2001]
Mário Antunes, Fernando  Silva e Manuel Eduardo  Correia, Metawebmin: Administração centralizada de grupos de sistemas Unix, Actas da 4a. Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores, Tecnologias e Aplicações (CRC'2001), Covilhã, Novembro 2001. Also as Technical Report DCC-2001-10, DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto, Outubro 2001.
[Tomás and Contejean, 2001]
Ana Paula  Tomás and E. Contejean, On Symmetries in Systems Coming from AC-unification of Higher-Order Patterns. (Extended Abstract). In P. Flener and J. Pearson (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Symmetry in Constraints (satellite of ICLP'01), 57-64, Paphos, Cyprus, December 2001.
[Tomás and Vasconcelos, 2001]
Ana Paula  Tomás and P.  Vasconcelos, Generating Mathematics Exercises by Computer. In P. Barahona (Ed), Proceedings of the Workshop on Constraint Satisfaction and Operational Research Techniques for Problem Solving (CSOR - EPIA'01), 59-72, Porto, December 2001. (Based on Technical Report DCC-2001-6)
[Tomás et. al., 2001]
Ana Paula  Tomás, M. Andrade and A. Pires da Costa. Obtaining Origin-Destination Data at Optimal Cost at Urban Roundabouts. In P. Barahona (Ed), Proceedings of the Workshop on Constraint Satisfaction and Operational Research Techniques for Problem Solving (CSOR - EPIA'01), 45-58, Porto, December 2001. (Extended version available as Technical Report DCC-2001-2)  

2000 (in proceedings)

[Leal and Moreira, 2000a]
José P.  Leal and Nelma  Moreira, Using matching for automatic assessment in computer science learning environments. In Francisco Restivo and Lígia Ribeiro (eds.), Web-Based Learning Environments, Merlin 2000 Project, FEUP, June, 2000. Also as Technical Report DCC-2000-3, DCC-FC & LIACC, May, 2000.
[Broda and Damas, 2000a]
Sabine  Broda and Luís  Damas, On the structure of normal lambda terms having a certain type. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (Wollic 2000), Brasil, 33-43, August, 2000.
[R. Lopes and Costa, 2000a]
Ricardo  Lopes and Vítor Santos  Costa, Memory Management for the BEAM. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Memory Management in Logic Programming Implementations, part of CL2000, London, July, 2000.
[R. Lopes and Costa, 2000b]
Ricardo  Lopes and Vítor Santos  Costa. A Performance Analysis of the BEAM Memory Manager. In Proceedings of the 2000 APPIA-GULP-PRODE Joint Conference on Declarative Programming (AGP'00), La Habana, Cuba, December 2000.
[R.Lopes et. al., 2000]
Ricardo  Lopes, Fernando  Silva, Vítor Santos  Costa, and Salvador Abreu, The RAINBOW: Towards a Parallel BEAM. In Proceedings of the 2000 Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, part of CL2000, London, 38-54, July 2000.
[Rocha et al., 2000a]
Ricardo  Rocha, Fernando  Silva, and Vítor Santos  Costa, YapTab: a Tabling Engine Designed to Support Parallelism, In Proceedings of the Workshop on Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD'00), Vigo, 77-87, September, 2000.
[Rocha et. al., 2000b]
Ricardo  Rocha, Fernando  Silva, and Vítor Santos  Costa, A Tabling Engine for the Yap Prolog System. In Proceedings of the 2000 APPIA-GULP-PRODE Joint Conference on Declarative Programming (AGP'00), La Habana, Cuba, December, 2000.  

1999 (in proceedings)

[Álvaro Figueira et al., 1999]
Álvaro  Figueira, Fernando  Silva, Luís  Lopes, and Vasco Vasconcelos, DiTyCO: Concorrência, Distribuição e Mobilidade de Código. In Actas do 1o. Encontro Português de Computação Móvel, 25-35, 1999. Also as Technical Report DCC-99-4, DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto.
[Correia and Costa, 1999]
Manuel E.  Correia and Vítor Santos  Costa, IAP for dummies: the YAP design. In Proceedings of the 1999 Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, 1999.
[R. Correia and Leal, 1999]
Ricardo  Correia and José Paulo  Leal, Combining Graphic And Alphanumeric Information in Java Applications. In 1st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, (ICEIS'99), 1999.
[Leal, 1999]
José P.  Leal, Aleph: an Environment for Managing Web Database Applications. In 1st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, (ICEIS'99), 1999.
[Lopes et al., 1999b]
Luís  Lopes, Fernando  Silva, Álvaro  Figueira, and Vasco T. Vasconcelos, DiTyCO: An Experiment in Code Mobility from the Realm of Process Calculi. In Proceedings of the 1999 Mobile Object Systems Workshop (MOS'99), 1999. Also as Technical Report DCC-99-3, DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto.
[Ravara and Lopes, 1999]
A. Ravara and L.  Lopes, Programming and Implementation Issues in Non-Uniform TyCO. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Object Oriented Specification Techniques for Distributed Systems and Behaviors (OOSDS'99), 1999. Also as Technical Report DCC-99-1, DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto.
[Paulino et al., 1999]
Hervé  Paulino, Fernando  Silva, and Luís  Lopes, Um Modelo de Programação Paralela Simples para Arquitecturas Distribuídas de Baixo-Custo. In Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD'99),, 121-126, 1999. Also as Technical Report DCC-99-5, DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto.
[R. Lopes and Costa, 1999c]
Ricardo  Lopes and Vítor Santos  Costa, The BEAM: a First EAM Implementation. In Proceedings of AGP99: The 1999 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming (APPIA-GULP-PRODE), 1999. Also as Technical Report DCC-98-13, DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto, December, 1998.
[Dutra et al., 1999b]
Inês  Dutra, Vítor Santos  Costa, J. L. V. Barbosa, and C. F. R. Geyer, Using Compile-Time Granularity Information to Support Dynamic Work Distribution in Parallel Logic Programming Systems. In Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD'99), 248-254, 1999.  

1998 (in proceedings)

[Florido and Damas, 1998]
Mário  Florido and L.  Damas, Type Constraints as a semantic characterization of type systems. In Fourth International Workshop on Set Constraints and Constraint-based Program Analysis, 1998.
[Paulino et al., 1998]
Hervé  Paulino, Fernando  Silva, and Luís  Lopes, di_pSystem: Um Ambiente de Programação Paralela para Arquitecturas de Memória Distribuída. In Actas da 1a. Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores (CRC'98), Coimbra, 143-148, November, 1998. (Also available as Technical Report DCC-98-8, DCC-FC & LIACC).
[Figueira et al.,1998]
Álvaro  Figueira, Fernando  Silva, Luís  Lopes, and Vasco Vasconcelos, Um Ambiente para Computações Distribuídas, Concorrência e Mobilidade de Código. In Actas da 1a. Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores, Coimbra, 139-142, November, 1998. (Also available as Technical Report DCC-98-7, DCC-FC & LIACC).  

1997 (in proceedings)

[Tomás and Filgueiras, 1997c]
Ana Paula  Tomás and M.  Filgueiras, Improving a geometric algorithm for solving linear Diophantine equations on naturals. In COMPULOG NET Workshop on Constraint Programming, 1997.
[Shen et al., 1997]
Kish Shen, Vítor Santos  Costa, and Andy King, Distance: A new metric for controlling granularity for parallel execution. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, 1997. Also as Technical Report DCC-97-16, DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto, December, 1997.
[Fonseca et al., 1997]
Nuno  Fonseca, Vítor Santos  Costa, and Inês de Castro  Dutra, VisAll: A New Tool to Visualise the Parallel Execution of Logic Programs. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, 1997. Also as Technical Report DCC-97-17, DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto, December, 1997.
[R. Lopes and Costa, 1997]
Ricardo  Lopes and Vítor Santos  Costa, The BEAM: Towards a first EAM Implementation. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, 1997. Also as Technical Report DCC-97-10, DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto, September, 1997.
[Rocha et al., 1997a]
Ricardo  Rocha, Fernando  Silva, and Vítor Santos  Costa, On applying Or-Parallelism to tabled evaluations. In Proceedings of the Post-ICLP'97 Workshop on Tabling in Logic Programming, 1997. Also as Technical Report DCC-97-2, DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto, April, 1997.
[Soares and Calejo, 1997]
Carlos Soares and M. Calejo, From Graphical Objects to Terms and Back: an Extended Application Framework for Prolog. In A. J. Kusalik, U. Neumerkel and M. Ducasse (eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Logic Programming Environments, Leuven, Belgium, July, 1997.  

1996 (in proceedings)

[Ferreira and Damas, 1996]
Michel  Ferreira and Luís  Damas, Unfolding WAM code. In 3rd COMPULOG NET Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, 1996.
[R. Lopes and Costa, 1996]
Ricardo  Lopes and V. Santos  Costa, The YAIL: An Intermediate Language for Native Compilation of Prolog Programs. In 3rd COMPULOG NET Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming Languages, 1996.
[Costa et al., 1996b]
Vítor  Costa, Manuel Eduardo  Correia, and Fernando  Silva, Performance of Sparse Binding Arrays for Or-Parallelism. In Proceedings of the VIII SBAC-PAD, 1996.
[Costa et al., 1996f]
Vítor  Costa, R. Bianchini, and I.  Dutra, Analysing the caching behaviour of Parallel Logic Programming systems. In Workshop on High Performance Logic Programming Systems, European Summer School on Logic, Languages and Information (ESSLLI'96), 1996.  

1995 (in proceedings)

[Leal, 1995]
José P.  Leal, Data Oriented LP with Magritte. In Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Logic Programming Environments, 1995.
[Pereira et al., 1995]
L.M. Pereira, J.C. Cunha, and L.  Damas, Parallel Logic Programming with extensions. Proceedings of the GULP-PRODE'95, 1995.
[Correia et al., 1995b]
Manuel E.  Correia, V. Santos  Costa, and F.  Silva, Using Sparse Binding Arrays for Or-parallelism. In Proceedings of the 3rd COMPULOG NET Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology, Utrecht, 1995.
[Costa et al., 1995]
Vítor  Costa, M. E.  Correia, and F.  Silva, The Sparse Binding Array approach to parallelism in LogicPrograms. In Proceedings of the Post-ILPS'95 Workshop on Parallel Logic Programming Systems, Portland, 1995.  

1994 (in proceedings)

[Silva and Lopes, 1994]
Fernando  Silva and Luís M. B.  Lopes, A testbed environment to evaluate scheduling algorithms. In Anais do XIV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Caxambu, 19-32, 1994.
[Gupta et al., 1994b]
Gopal Gupta, V. Santos  Costa, and E. Pontelli, Shared Paged BindingArrays: A universal data-structure for Parallel Logic Programming. In Proceedings of the NSF/ICOT Workshop on Parallel Logic Programming and its Environments, 1994. Also (poster) in Proceedings of the International Conference on Logic Programming 95, MIT Press, 1995.
[Leal, 1994]
José P.  Leal, Visualização e interacção em Programação em Lógica. In Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica, 1994.
[Costa et al., 1994c]
Vítor  Costa, I.  Dutra, and R. Yang, Andorra-I compilation. In Proceedings of the NSF/ICOT Workshop on Parallel Logic Programming and its Environments, 1994.
[Costa et al., 1994b]
Vítor  Costa, Manuel Eduardo  Correia, and Fernando  Silva, Aurora, Andorra-I and friends on the Sun. In Proceedings of the Post-ILPS'94 Workshop on Design and Implementation of Parallel Logic Programming Systems, 1994.  

1993 (in proceedings)

[Tomás and Filgueiras, 1993]
Ana Paula  Tomás and M.  Filgueiras, Solving linear Diophantine equations. In B.Mayoh, J.Penjam, E.Tyugu (eds.), NATO-ASIConstraint Programming -- Student Presentations, Technical Report CS 57/93, Institute of Cybernetics, Estonian Academy of Sciences, 1993.
[Silva, 1993b]
Fernando  Silva, Initial performance of Dorpp: an Or-Parallel Prolog system for a distributed shared memory architecture. In Proceedings of the ICLP'93 Postconference Workshop on Concurrent, Distributed and Parallel Implementation of Logic Programming Systems, 1993.
[Silva and Lopes, 1993]
Fernando  Silva and Luís Barros  Lopes, pSystem: a portable parallel programming system for shared-memory multiprocessor computers running UNIX. In Proceedings of the 1st International Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing, Porto, 1993.
[Gupta and Costa, 1993]
Gopal Gupta and V. Santos  Costa, A systematic approach to exploiting implicit parallelism in Prolog. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1993.
[Correia et al., 1993]
Manuel E.  Correia, Fernando  Silva, and Vítor Santos  Costa, Aurora vs. Muse: a performance study of two or-parallel Prolog systems. In Proceedings of the 1st International Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing, Porto, 1993.  

1992 (in proceedings)

[Gupta and Costa, 1992b]
Gopal Gupta and V. Santos  Costa, Complete and efficient methods for supporting side-effects and cuts in And-Or parallel Prolog. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing'92, 1992.
[Damas and Varile, 1992]
Luís  Damas and G. B. Varile, On the satisfiability of complex constraints. In Proceedings of COLING'92, ACL, 1992.
[Florido and Damas, 1992]
Mário  Florido and L.  Damas, Types as theories. In Proceedings of the JICSLP'92 Postconference Workshop on Proofs and Types, 1992.  

1991 (in proceedings)

[Leal et al., 1991]
José P.  Leal, L.  Damas, and N.  Moreira, A graphical interface for Natural Language Processing systems based on feature structure grammars. In Proceedings of ICLP Pre-Conference Workshop on Logic Programming Environments, 1991.
[Damas et al., 1991]
Luís  Damas, N.  Moreira, and G. B. Varile, The formal and processing models of CLG. In Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of EACL, ACL, 1991.
[Costa et al., 1991a]
Vítor  Costa, D. H. D. Warren, and R. Yang, Andorra-I: a parallel Prolog system which exploits both or-parallelism and dependent and-parallelism. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on the Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming.
[Costa et al., 1991b]
Vítor  Costa, D. H. D. Warren, and R. Yang, The Andorra-I pre-processor: supporting full Prolog on the Basic Andorra Model. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Logic Programming.
[Costa et al., 1991c]
Vítor  Costa, D. H. D. Warren, and R. Yang, The Andorra-I engine: a parallel implementation of the Basic Andorra Model. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Logic Programming.  

1990 (in proceedings)

[Leal, 1990a]
José P.  Leal, The Ytoolkit, a Prolog approach to a users interface. ICLP Preconference Workshop on Logic Programming Environments, Eilat, 1990.
[Leal, 1990b]
José P.  Leal, Building widgets in a Prolog toolkit. In Proceedings of The European X-Window System, Conference, London, 1990.
[Balari et al., 1990]
Sergio Balari, L.  Damas, N.  Moreira, and G. Varile, CLG(n): Constraint Logic Grammars. In Proceedings of COLING 90, ACL, 1990.  

1989 (in proceedings)

[Matos, 1989e]
Armando  Matos, Currents in Prolog. In J. P. Martins, E. M. Morgado (eds.), EPIA 89, Proceedings of the 4th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence - vol. II, APPIA, 1989.  

1988 (in proceedings)

[Filgueiras, 1988c]
Miguel  Filgueiras, Linguagem Natural e Representação de Conhecimento. In E. Costa (ed.), Representação do Conhecimento, APPIA, 1988.  

1987 (in proceedings)

[Filgueiras, 1987b]
Miguel  Filgueiras, Generating Natural Language sentences from semantic representations. In A. Sernadas, J. M. Neves (eds.), Actas do Terceiro Encontro Português de Inteligência Artificial, APPIA, 246-256, 1987.  

1985 (in proceedings)

[Filgueiras et al., 1985]
Miguel  Filgueiras, F.  Silva, M. E. Pinto, and A. M. Pinheiro, Menus Naturais. In P. Brazdil, M. Filgueiras, L. Damas, A. Matos (eds.), Actas do Encontro Português de Inteligência Artificial 85, APPIA, 71-83, 1985.
[Brazdil et. al, 1985]
Pavel Brazdil, M.  Filgueiras, L.  Damas, and A.  Matos (eds.), Actas do Encontro Português de Inteligência Artificial 85. APPIA, 1985.  

1983 (in proceedings)

[Filgueiras, 1983]
Miguel  Filgueiras, A kernel for a Natural Language interface. In Luís Moniz Pereira, A. Porto, L. Monteiro, M. Filgueiras (eds.), Proceedings of the Logic Programming Workshop 83. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 419-436, 1983.
[Filgueiras and Pereira, 1983]
Miguel  Filgueiras and Luís Moniz Pereira, Relational data bases à la carte. In L. M. Pereira et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the Logic Programming Workshop 83, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 389-407, 1983.
[Pereira et al., 1983]
Luís Pereira, A. Porto, L. Monteiro, and M.  Filgueiras (eds.), Proceedings of the Logic Programming Workshop 83. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1983.  

1982 (in proceedings)

[Damas and Milner, 1982]
Luís  Damas and Robin Milner, Principal type-schemes for functional programs. In Procceedings of the Nineth ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, ACM, 1982.  

1979 (in proceedings)

[M. Oliveira and Matos, 1979]
M. Ferreira de Oliveira and A.  Matos, Problemas de simulação e optimização em redes de caminho de ferro electrificadas. In Actas do Congresso da Ordem dos Engenheiros, 1979.
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