23 JULHO / TERÇA FEIRA / 12:18

Sobre Bases de Combinadores para Sistemas de Lambda Calculus

Sabine Broda

Departamento de Ciência de Computadores & LIACC
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto
Rua do Campo Alegre, 823 4150 Porto, Portugal

February 1997


In this thesis we present a study on combinator bases for the lambda calculus, with special emphasis on three of its subsystems, namely the lambda-I-calculus, the linear and the affine lambda calculus. In particular, we treat aspects related to the decidability of combinatory completeness and characterizations of (proper) combinator bases in the four systems. We show that combinatory completeness is decidable for finite sets of proper combinators in the linear and in the affine lambda calculus, presenting constructive proofs which allow one to represent any linear (resp. affine) lambda term by a combination of elements of a given basis. From these results follows a necessary, and easy to check, condition on arbitrary linear (resp. affine) bases. In the lambda-I-calculus we prove the indecidability of combinatory completeness for finite sets of combinators in normal form, hence for sets of combinators in general. We give, however, a precise characterization of the lambda-I-bases which are extensions of bases for the linear lambda calculus and, furthermore, we establish a necessary condition on proper combinator bases in this system. In order to obtain other characterizations of the combinator bases in the four systems, we study the relation between the combinatory completeness of a set of (typable) combinators in a system of lambda calculus and the axiomatic completeness of the respective set of principal types, regarded as formulas, in the corresponding system of propositional calculus. We show that the two problems are equivalent in the linear and the affine systems, and that for the other two cases axiomatic completeness is a sufficient, but not necessary, condition for combinatory completeness. Furthermore we present an alternative proof for the fact that affine lambda terms in normal form are completely determined by their principal types. As a consequence, it follows that two linear terms are beta-convertible if and only if they have the same principal types. Finally we introduce the combinator system Cl(K), together with an associated abstraction algorithm. This algorithm represents each abstraction by only one combinator, which makes the system particularly adequate for practical applications. We prove the correctness of the algorithm, establish some relations between the pure lambda calculus and the system Cl(K) and moreover we present three subsystems that correspond respectively to the lambda-I-calculus, the linear lambda calculus and the affine lambda calculus.
FCUP 2024