23 JULHO / TERÇA FEIRA / 12:13

An Implementation of the Extended Andorra Model

Ricardo Lopes

Departamento de Ciência de Computadores & LIACC
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto
Rua do Campo Alegre, 823 4150 Porto, Portugal

December 2001


Logic programming provides a high-level view of programming, giving implementers a vast latitude in what techniques to research towards obtaining the best performance for logic programs. Progress in coroutining, constraints, and tabulation allow for substantial reductions in search space over the traditional Prolog selection function, and provide a basis on which to build advanced features and support novel applications. Parallelism further allows logic programs to transparently exploit the advantages of the new parallel machines that are more than ever gaining in popularity.

Towards obtaining maximum performance, one of the holy grails of logic programming has been to design computational models that could be executed efficiently and would allow both for a reduction of the search space and for exploiting all the available parallelism in the application. These goals have motivated the design of the Extended Andorra Model, a novel model where goals that do not constrain non-deterministic goals can execute first.

In this work we present the Basic design for Extended Andorra Model (BEAM), a design that builds upon David H. D. Warren's original EAM with Implicit Control. We provide a complete description of an EAM kernel as a set of rewrite and control rules, and we evaluate these rules through a prototype implementation. We present the major data structures and execution algorithms that are required for efficient execution. We discuss the basic data structures required to implement the model and some issues on extending the EAM to avoid infinite computations. A detailed study of our prototype performance and memory usage is also included. Lastly, we propose a novel parallel execution model for the BEAM.

FCUP 2024