23 JULY / TUESDAY / 14:07

Resolution of Complex Constraints on Trees and Applications in Logic Grammars

Nelma Moreira

Departamento de Ciência de Computadores & LIACC
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto
Rua do Campo Alegre, 823 4150-180 Porto, Portugal

Dezembro de 1997


In recent years, symbolic constraints have raised a considerable interest in several areas of computation and particularly in the Computational Linguistics community. As a matter of fact constraints over the algebra of rational trees can significantly contribute to the reduction of the search space of problems in Natural Language Processing, while increasing the formalisms expressive power. In this thesis we developed a formal and computational framework for constraint languages over the algebras of finite, rational and feature trees. Although, the first-order theories of these algebras are decidable, they are computationally intractable. Our goal was to design a formal model and decision procedures to face that problem, and that have been (successfully) used in the implementation of several grammar formalisms, called constraint logic grammars (CLG).

The main contributions of this thesis are:

  • Complete solvers for complex constraints in the algebras of finite and rational trees. In order to face the NP-hardness of the satisfiability problem for complex constraints, our approach was based in factoring out, in polynomial time, deterministic information contained in a complex constraint, simplifying the remaining formula using that information and delaying as much as possible the explosion of disjunctions. We also developed rewrite systems for detection of common factors in disjuncts and rewrite systems that use negative information for the simplification process. We investigated the problem of eliminating negative constraints and presented a decision procedure for finite signatures.

  • Establishment of a relation between the algebra of rational trees and the algebra of feature trees, such that the satisfiability problem in one can be reduced to the satisfiability problem in other.

  • A method for the computation of the minimal models of certain classes of satisfiable constraints. These characterizations are useful to simplify and to detect equivalent constraints.

  • A low-level implementation of the main features of the complete solvers.

  • A higher order tree descriptions calculus based on a typed lambda-calculus, which extended the previous techniques developed for resolving complex constraints. The higher order tree descriptions were used as semantic representations in categorial grammars for Natural Language.

FCUP 2024