23 JULHO / TERÇA FEIRA / 16:13

On the Design and Implementation of a Virtual Machine for Process Calculi

Luís Lopes

Departamento de Ciência de Computadores & LIACC
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto
Rua do Campo Alegre, 823 4150 Porto, Portugal

Dezembro de 1999


There has been an ever growing interest in the study of process-calculi as frameworks for concurrent, distributed, object-oriented languages. These are of particular importance given the adequacy of the object programming model and its widespread use in software development and, ultimately, in Internet applications. The asynchronous pi-calculus is a powerful tool to reason about concurrent process interaction. However, it is not an adequate framework for the implementation of object-oriented languages as its encodings of objects are quite inefficient. Efforts in the implementation of languages based on process calculi have so far failed in providing a unifying framework in the form of a virtual machine specification.

This thesis introduces a virtual machine specification and its implementation for a variant of the pi-calculus -- the TyCO calculus. TyCO features objects and asynchronous messages. Thus, contrary to other calculi such as pi, objects are builtin entities and do not require computationally expensive encodings.

This work starts with the definition of a small kernel language based on TyCO and provides its static semantics, in the form of a type-inference system, and its dynamic semantics, in the form of an abstract machine. This formal framework forms the basis for the design of a virtual machine and language compiler. The virtual machine runs TyCO programs translated into byte-code format. It is compact, architecture independent and performs favorably when compared with other related implementations. The machine is fine-tuned for TyCO but may be used to implement other calculi with minor changes or extensions to its semantics.

Finally, an orthogonal extension of the TyCO calculus is defined to provide support for distributed computations and code mobility. In this model, remote communication and code migration are induced by the lexical scope of names in the base calculus. The model can be applied without change to a wide variety of calculi that fulfill a few, very mild, conditions.

FCUP 2024