23 JULHO / TERÇA FEIRA / 12:09

Type Systems for Declarative Programming Languages

Mário Florido

Departamento de Ciência de Computadores & LIACC
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto
Rua do Campo Alegre, 823 4150 Porto, Portugal

January 1998


The main goal of this work is to define formal semantic descriptions of descriptive type systems for declarative programming languages. We show that the syntactic relationships between terms and types come from semantic relations stronger than soundness. Traditionally type systems are defined first and then proved to be sound with respect to some well chosen semantics. We argue that the definition of the systems should come from their semantics and not the opposite. The usual semantic criteria for relating terms and types is soundness. Soundness has been studied for several systems, including the Curry type system for the lambda-calculus, the type system of the language ML, intersection type systems and type systems for logic programming. Based on the semantic relationships between types and terms, we first define, for any term, a set of constraints of its admissible types which guarantee the types semantic validity. Following the Curry view of types as descriptions of term properties, we define necessary conditions for types to be descriptions of terms. We then prove the soundness with respect to those conditions of the Curry and ML type systems. We prove that soundness regarding those conditions is not present on some intersection type systems and based on that result we explain some pathological behaviours of those systems. Finally, based on semantic properties of type systems for the lambda-calculus, we classify the most used type languages for logic programming. Our results suggest the use of deterministic regular languages to denote types in this paradigm.
FCUP 2024