23 JULHO / TERÇA FEIRA / 16:17

Centralized System Administration for Groups of UNIX Machines

Mário João Gonçalves Antunes

Mestrado em Informática - Ramo de Sistemas e Redes
Departamento de Ciência de Computadores
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto

October 2001


Managing a computing environment consisting of hundreds of systems from multiple vendors and hundreds of users dispersed over several buildings is a complex task. The UNIX networks are heterogeneous, composed by a variety of machines with different UNIX operating systems. Each UNIX operating system has its own characteristics of configuration and management, which means that system administrators' tasks can be very hard and complex. The repetitive tasks executed on the machines may increase configuration errors on the configuration files.

A more efficient solution is to implement centralized administration tasks and system configuration files. The main idea is to group the systems logically according to some rules defined by the system administrator, such as the geographical site or machines activity on the network. With this solution, each group has a network configuration that will be distributed by its activated machines. The network configuration may consist of UNIX users and groups, as well as NFS and DNS resources. This solution allows a request to be made once and executed simultaneously on several systems, according to the central configuration, eliminating the redundancy of the tasks and data duplication.

The thesis concerns the design and implementation of an administration system, MetaWebmin, which centralizes the administration of tasks and configuration of a heterogeneous UNIX network. It supports grouping of entities so that they can be managed as if they were just one entity. The systems and network configuration is managed by filling forms and is centralized in a central data repository implemented on a relational database in MySQL. The MetaWebmin makes HTTP requests to the Webmin servers running on the designated systems, which updates the local configuration files according to the values of the request. The MetaWebmin is a three-tier system administration. Three layers compose its architecture: the system administration interface, the MetaWebmin server together with the central database and the Webmin servers. MetaWebmin has a module, which verifies data integrity and, if necessary, updates the local configuration of a system to the correspondent in the central data repository. To prevent data inconsistency derived from HTTP requests with errors, MetaWebmin detects these fails and allows automatic or manual recovery. MetaWebmin is a modular application, developed in Perl, which uses standard Internet protocols and it is easy to use and install.

FCUP 2024