Technical Report: DCC-97-17VisAll: A new Tool to Visualise the Parallel Execution of Logic Programs Nuno Fonseca, Vítor Santos Costa and Inês de Castro Dutra
DCC-FC & LIACC and COPPE/Sistemas December 1997
AbstractTowards these goals, we propose VisAll, a new tool to visualise the parallel execution of logic programs. VisAll benefits from a modular design centered in a graph that represents a parallel execution. A main graphical shell commands the different modules and presents VisAll as an unified system. Several input components, or translators, support the well-known VisAndor and VACE trace formats, plus a new format designed for independent and-parallel plus or-parallel execution in the SBA. Several output components, or visualisers, allow for different visualisations of the same execution. These visualisaters can operate simultaneously and can collaborate by using the execution graph. Keywords: logic programming, parallelism, visualisation tool. |