Technical Report: DCC-2012-05
An Introduction
to Desriptional Complexity of Regular Languages through Analytic
Sabine Broda,
Nelma Moreira, Rogério Reis
DCC-FC & CMUP, Universidade do Porto
e-mail: {sbb,nam,rvr}@dcc.fc.up.pt
António Machiavelo
DM-FC & CMUP, Universidade do Porto
e-mail: ajmachia@fc.up.pt
July 2012
Nowadays, an increasing attention is being given to the study of the
descriptional complexity on the average case. Although the
underlying theory for such a study seems intimidating, one can obtain
interesting results in this area without too much effort. In this
gentle introduction we take the reader on a journey through the
basic analytical tools of that theory, giving some illustrative
examples using regular expressions. We finalize with some new
asymptotic average case results for several epsilon-NFA
constructions, presented in a unified framework.