Technical Report: DCC-2011-11
On Linear Finite Automata and Cryptography
Ivone Amorim, António Machiavelo, Rogério Reis
CMUP & FC, Universidade do Porto
e-mail: ivonefamorim@gmail.com, ajmachia@fc.up.pt, rvr@dcc.fc.up.pt
August 2011
Finite automata public-key cryptosystems rely upon characterizations
of some types of invertible finite automata, and methods of obtain
them as well as their respective inverses. In this paper we provide a
much needed clarification of Tao?s formalization and basic results on
the subject, as well as a new condition for a linear finite automata
with memory to be weakly invertible with delay ?. This last result,
employing an approach with formal series, uses the Smith?s normal form
of a polynomial matrix. The proof of the results presented here
provides a new way to construct an inverse with delay ? of an
invertible linear finite automata.