Technical Report: DCC-2011-01Lightweight Fault-Tolerance for Peer-to-Peer MiddlewareRolando MartinsCRACS/EFACEC Sistemas de Electrónica, S.A., Portugale-mail: rolando.martins@efacec.pt Priya NarasimhanCarnegie Mellon Universitye-mail: priya@cs.cmu.edu Luís Lopes, Fernando SilvaCRACS/DCC-FCUP, Portugale-mail: {lblopes,fds}@dcc.fc.up.pt AbstractWe address the problem of providing transparent, lightweight, fault-tolerance mechanisms for generic peer-to-peer middleware systems. The main idea is to use the peer-to-peer overlay to provide for fault-tolerance rather than support it higher up in the middleware architecture, e.g. in the form of services. To evaluate our approach we have implemented a fault-tolerant middleware prototype that uses a hierarchical peer-to-peer overlay in which the leaf peers connect to sensors that provide data streams. Clients connect to the root of the overlay and request streams that are routed upwards through intermediate peers in the overlay up to the client. We report encouraging preliminary results for latency, jitter and resource consumption for both the non-faulty and faulty cases. |