23 JULHO / TERÇA FEIRA / 10:12

Technical Report: DCC-2005-07

AGISA: an integrated system for classroom administration

Sónia Sousa, Rogério Reis, Luís Damas

DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto
R. do Campo Alegre 823, 4150-180 Porto, Portugal
Phone: 351 22 6078830, Fax: 351 22 6003654
E-mail: {sssousa,rvr,luis} @ dcc . fc . up . pt
July 2005


Computers play an important role at all levels of education. Nowadays, its application scope is not limited to computer related classes as they can be used with great benefit in an wide range of subjects. It is not uncommon to see a teacher with poor computer knowledge, trying to use computers to improve students' interest in the subjects being taught, and thus improve their performance. The actual software panorama lacks tools to help teachers to use computers in an easy and straightforward way, that permit to control and monitor classroom work, to help building exercises, and the automatic verification and grading of the respective answers. The main goal of AGISA is to solve some of those problems.

AGISA pretends to be an innovative concept, bringing a computer ``user friendly'' framework for classrooms in an Free Software environment. The system was written in Python for GNU/Linux systems and thus can be adapted and modified by everyone accordingly to his specific needs. Our system, GNU/Linux and all the tools used are available without any cost or restriction under GPL, and this can be decisive for schools with a low budget.

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