23 JULHO / TERÇA FEIRA / 10:04

Technical Report: DCC-2003-07

Improving AODV with Preemptive Local Route Repair

Sérgio Crisóstomo, Susana Sargento, Pedro Brandão and Rui Prior

DCC-FC & LIACC, Universidade do Porto
R. do Campo Alegre 823, 4150-180 Porto, Portugal
Phone: 351 22 6078830, Fax: 351 22 6003654
E-mail: {slc,ssargento,pbrandao,rprior}@ncc.up.pt
December 2003


This paper proposes an extension to the AODV protocol, denoted Preemptive Local Route Repair (PLRR), that aims to avoid route failures by preemptively local repairing routes when a link break is about tooccur. This protocol extension resorts to AODV layer 3 connectivity information with new mobility extensions. Our proposal is to enhancenode's information concerning link stability to its neighbors resorting to HELLO messages. These messages are appended with a mobility extension containing the node's position, motion vector and an associated timestamp. This mobility information will be used to predict the instant a link between two neighbors will break. Our proposal does not need to take into account the sender and destination location information, as other location-aided routing protocols. In this proposal, location and mobility information needs to be propagated only between neighbors. This proposal aims at improving the AODV Quality of Service capabilities by minimizing route failures.

FCUP 2024