Technical Report: DCC-2001-2
Obtaining Origin-Destination Data at
Optimal Cost at Urban
(Extended Version)
Ana Paula Tomás(1), Marta Andrade(2) and Américo Pires da Costa(3)
apt@ncc.up.pt / DCC-FC & LIACC, FCUP, University of Porto, Portugal
(2) Aenor / Operanor -- Auto-Estradas do Norte, S.A., Portugal
(3) amcosta@fe.up.pt / Departamento de Engenharia Civil / FEUP, University of Porto
July 2001
the problem of finding the
Origin-Destination trip matrix in a roundabout at optimal cost.
The goal is to choose the turning movements that will be measured in
addition to some independent total volumes at exits, entries and
cross-sections inside the roundabout. Three cost criteria are proposed,
each one modelling the cost of data collection in a different way.
We discuss aspects of our study of this problem on computer
and go through
interesting mathematical properties
we have found the proposed model to have.