Peer Review Papers (journals listed on ISI Web of Knowledge and Scopus):
- Cunha, M., Richter, C. 2014. A time-frequency analysis on the impact of climate variability with focus on semi-natural montane grassland meadows. IEEE, Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGARS), 52(10): 6156-6164.––————————————————————————————————————
- Pôças, I., Paço, T.A., Cunha, M., Andrade, J.A., Silvestre, J., Sousa, A., Santos, F.L., Pereira, L.S., Allen, R.G., 2014. Satellite based evapotranspiration of a super-intensive olive orchard: application of METRIC algorithms. Biosystems Engineering 128, 69-81————————————————————————————————-
- Paço, T.A., Pôças, I., Cunha, M., Silvestre, J.C., Santos, F.L., Paredes, P., Pereira, L.S., 2014. Evapotranspiration and crop coefficients for a super intensive olive orchard. An application of SIMDualKc and METRIC models using ground and satellite observations. Journal of Hydrology 519, Part B, 2067-2080.———————————————————————————————————————————–
- Pôças, I., Paço, T.A., Paredes, P., Cunha, M., Pereira, L.S., 2015. Estimation of actual crop coefficients using remotely sensed vegetation indices and soil water balance modelled data. Remote sensing, 7: 2373-2400. doi:10.3390/rs70302373
Papers in international conference proceedings:
- Pôças, I., Paço, T.A., Cunha, M., Silvestre, J., Santos, F.L., Pereira, L.S., 2014. Crop coefficients from METRIC and SIMDualKc models for discontinuous woody crops. A remote sensing application to a super intensive olive grove, in: Lamaddalena, N., Todorovic, M., Pereira, L.S. (Eds.), 1st CIGR Inter-Regional Conference on Land and Water Challenges. Water, environment and agriculture: challenges for sustainable development. CIHEAM – IAMB, Valenzano, Italy, pp. 615-627. ____________________________________________________________–___________________———————————————————————
- Costa, P.M., Pôças, I., Alves, S., Pereira, M., Carvalho, S.M.P., Cunha, M., 2014. Estimativa da área foliar de rosas de corte cv ‘Red Naomi’ através de modelos baseados em descritores alométricos, VI Jornadas Ibéricas de Horticultura Ornamental. Sociedad Espanola de Ciencias Horticolas & Associação Portugues de Horticultura, Valencia, Spain.
Postgraduate work: