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partate (monodentate), and to the product.
| **Coordination Sphere** | **Oxidation state:** Zn(II) \\ **Sp... e corresponding distorted geometries in enzymatic coordination spheres.)) |
===== Structure chosen to pa...| .frcmod}} |
| //Coordination Sphere Charges// | {{:mm:parameters:zinc:lib_fi... de force field parameterization of the several Zn coordination environments in the puzzling FTase enzyme: openin
====== Manganese(III) - HHDHWa ======
The coordination sphere of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase is located ... two subunits. In the resting state the manganese coordination geometry presents distorted trigonal bipyramidal ... and water/hydroxide in axial positions.
| {{ :mm:parameters:manganese:non-p...| .frcmod}} |
| //Coordination Sphere Charges// | {{:mm:parameters:manganese:h
transition-metal complexes, representative of the coordination spheres of typical biological Zn systems, were us... stems using relatively simple models of the metal coordination sphere, comprising only the metal atom and a simp... lified representation of the ligands at the first coordination sphere, starting from a set of high-resolution X-
to mandelate racemase and enolase.
The manganese coordination sphere has a manganese(II) atom bonded to a gluta... nd an asparagine from the same subunit.
| {{ :mm:parameters:manganese:non-p...| .frcmod}} |
| //Coordination Sphere Charges// | {{:mm:parameters:manganese:d
he binary complex is additionally provided.
| **Coordination Sphere** | **Oxidation state:** Zn(II) \\ **Sp...| .frcmod}} |
| //Coordination Sphere Charges// | {{:mm:parameters:zinc:lib_fi... de force field parameterization of the several Zn coordination environments in the puzzling FTase enzyme: openin
inary complex is additionally provided.
| {{ :mm:parameters:zinc:set1.png?1...| .frcmod}} |
| //Coordination Sphere Charges// | {{:mm:parameters:zinc:lib_fi... de force field parameterization of the several Zn coordination environments in the puzzling FTase enzyme: openin
tor) and to 1 aspartate (monodentate).
| {{ :mm:parameters:zinc:set2.png?1...| .frcmod}} |
| //Coordination Sphere Charges// | {{:mm:parameters:zinc:lib_fi... de force field parameterization of the several Zn coordination environments in the puzzling FTase enzyme: openin
ganese(II) over the magnesium ion to perform.
Its coordination sphere is similar to the one found in chloromucon... , with two aspartates and a glutamate.
| {{ :mm:parameters:manganese:non-p...| .frcmod}} |
| //Coordination Sphere Charges// | {{:mm:parameters:manganese:d
ween two histidines. The spin multiplicity of the coordination sphere has been reported as a quartet, due to an ... en the superoxide and manganese species.
| {{ :mm:parameters:manganese:non-p...| .frcmod}} |
| //Coordination Sphere Charges// | {{:mm:parameters:manganese:h
onodentate), and to the product (CZL).
| {{ :mm:parameters:zinc:set3.png?1...| .frcmod}} |
| //Coordination Sphere Charges// | {{:mm:parameters:zinc:lib_fi... de force field parameterization of the several Zn coordination environments in the puzzling FTase enzyme: openin
le is referred as participating in the octahedral coordination of manganese(II).
| **COORDINATION SPHERE**...| .frcmod}} |
| //Coordination Sphere Charges// | {{:mm:parameters:manganese:e