GreenUPorto researchers promote participation of 5 finalist teams of the ECOTROPHELIA Portugal 2021

It was announced at May 31st the list of finalist teams of the ECOTROPHELIA Portugal 2021 award. Five products developed from teams of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP), with the support from GreenUPorto researchers, are among the 10 finalists of the ECOTROPHELIA Portugla 2021 award, iniciative promoted by Portugal Foods.

It was announced at May 31st, the list of finalist teams of the ECOTROPHELIA Portugal 2021 award, with 5 products developed by teams from FCUP being among the 10 finalists. The participation of the teams was promoted by FCUP teachers and GreenUPorto researchers Luís Miguel Cunha, Susana Caldas Fonseca e José Carlos Ribeiro, in the context of the class “Sensory Analysis and Development of New Products” of the Master Degrees Food Consumption and Nutrition Sciences (MCCN) and Food Science and Technology (MTCA). The finalists will attend the final which will be at June 29 in Casa do Vinho Verde (Porto).

Team| Product: LEGUMISCAS | Pataniscas vegan, ultracongeladas com farinha de grão-de-bico e uma diversidade de legumes

Team| Product: MOCHIPORTUGAL | LucoMochi – Massa de arroz glutinoso com recheio de gelado de castanha salgada e núcleo de geleia de marmelo

Team| Product: NORTEGGIE | AL’CAST – Almôndega de castanha portuguesa congelada, inovação vegan, fonte de fibra com baixo teor de gordura

Team| Product: OS TOGRÕES | Torrão de grão de bico e casca de laranja – Snack doce composto por casca de laranja e grão de bico, com uma aparência irresistível e crocante

Team| Product: PRO-ÓMEGA | Filete vegan de tremoço – Filete vegan de tremoço com linhaça, resíduo de levedura de cerveja, temperado com garam masala