Homemade GreenUPorto science activities to experiment at the Festive Season
GreenUPorto, together with FCUP, developed a set of protocols so that anyone can experience our Green Science in the comfort of their homes
No plans to pass the time this Christmas break?
Just like Santa Claus, Science doesn’t stop during the festive season!
Check out the proposed scientific activities that you can do at home and with your family that GreenUPorto and the Faculty of Sciences of the U.Porto have created to keep you entertained while you enjoy this special season with your loved ones!
- Fruit DNA Extraction
- Christmas Cookies with Spices and… Crickets
- Hunting Earthworms : Test the Quality of Your Soil! Part 1 & Part 2
Happy Holidays, with lots of Green Science!
Check out the full list of activities developed by FCUP’s researchers: https://noticias.up.pt/fcup/neste-natal-a-fcup-oferece-experiencias-com-ciencia-para-as-ferias/