GreenUPorto Activities at Universidade Júnior 2024
In July, several GreenUPorto teams developed activities, from Campo Alegre to Vairão, with the aim of inspiring new generations towards Sustainable Agro-food Production
Over the past week, our Vairão campus was especially lively by the presence of dozens of Junior Scientists, who gave us their enthusiasm by attending 2 of our activities in the 2024 edition of the U.Porto Universidade Júnior (Verão em Projeto) that took place there.
Debuting this year, we had in Vairão the 1st edition of the activity ‘From Farm to Fork: Technologies in Sustainable Food Production‘, which involved several professors from the Faculty of Sciences and GreenUPorto research groups (such as LabRisk and CROP Lab) with expertise in different areas of Agricultural Engineering, Soil Science, Food Science, among many others, providing the students an opportunity to experience the diversity of themes in this degree, and covering the entire food production process, from field to plate.
Also in Vairão, the usual GreenUPorto activity ‘The Future of Food – Develop an Eco-innovative Food Product and Create Your Business!‘ continued, through which Juniors were able to discover the most recent trends in sustainable food consumption, having fun creating their own food and learning about how to evaluate it, on a journey through the senses.
Both activities proved to be a real success together with our pupils, evidenced by their interest in returning for the next editions!
For our part, it was a great pleasure to welcome these young people, with whom we are sure to have planted the GreenUPorto seed, inspiring them to a greener and more sustainable tomorrow!
These and more GreenUPorto activities will continue throughout the month of July, both in Vairão and Campo Alegre. For more information, see the official website: universidadejunior.up.pt
See our complete list of activities in U.Junior here.