Increasing the sustainability and reducing product losses throughout strawberry production chain: Professor Susana Carvalho presents the project that targets the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea
In an article published in the Portuguese newspaper Diário de Notícias, the GreenUPorto researcher explained the relevance of the ‘Botrytis-XTalk Project’ recently financed by FCT
Over the next three years, a research team coordinated by Professor Susana Carvalho (with Dr. Tânia Fernandes as Co-PI) will develop sustainable strategies to mitigate the effect of grey mould on strawberry, in the laboratories of GreenUPorto/FCUP, in partnership with the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom). In an interview to Diário de Notícias, the researcher explained that the fungal pathogen that causes this disease, Botrytis cinerea, results in drastic production losses and reduces the strawberry shelf life. This was the starting point in the development of the Project “Botrytis-XTalk: eXploring host-fungal crossTalk for early and sustainable control of gray mold”, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and briefly explained by its Coordinator here.