XV Encontro Peptídico Ibérico

15th Iberian Peptide Meeting - Porto, 10-12 February 2016

Peptides, a world of possibilities

The organizing committee of XV EPI—15° Encontro Peptídico Ibérico/15th Iberian Peptide Meeting, aka EPI2016, thanks all participants, scientific board members and sponsors for making a great success out of this scientific event, which was held at the FACULDADE DE CIÊNCIAS DA UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO, in Porto, Portugal, from the 10th to the 12th of February, 2016.

Since their birth, three decades ago, EPI meetings have been fostering intensive interaction between scientists of diverse experience and expertise who have in Peptides a common research interest. Peptides are ubiquitously relevant in Research and Development, from Molecular Biology to Materials Science, from Synthetic Chemistry to Computational and Structural Biology, from Food Science to Biotechnology, from Early Drug Discovery to the Clinics, from Academia to Industry…in summary, Peptides offer no less than a whole world of possibilities to Science and Technology. It was under this motto that EPI2016 brought together from senior scientists to undergraduate students to share their perspectives and experiences in an informal and stimulating atmosphere.

We are looking forward to meeting the “EPI family” again in 2018, in Barcelona!

Paula Gomes (chair)

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